
I cant get IE to work,but fire fox will ,what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I cant get IE to work,but fire fox will ,what can I do?




  1. Why would you even want to make IE work moron?

  2. Are you on a network? or... Through a proxy?  How are you connecting?

    If it's just a regular internet connection at your house, try IE => Tools => Internet Options => Advanced => Reset

  3. Use Firefox

  4. I prefer Firefox myself and will probably be better for you in the long run. (It's more secure,faster,safer and has more things than you can shake a stick at to customize it to your taste)you can install a add on for firefox that will allow you to view a particular page in IE if you want.

    But if you do not like firefox and prefer IE, try un- installing it and reinstalling it (IE) and/or set it as your preferred browser.(or go into it's options and reset it under the tools tab)

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