
I cant get Internet!Going crazy!I have excellent signal but limited or no connectivity.How do I fix this?

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I am with sky wireless.

Thank you for your help if your answer does not work I will commit myself to a psychiatric ward.




  1. Windows often reports that it is connected when it is not. The problem is usually the network key. It won't be the first time Windows "lost" the key.

  2. I searched the internet and see this answer:

    Are you using Belkin's software to manage the wireless connection? If you are and are happy with the way it works, disable "Windows Zero Configuration" entirely.

    Otherwise disable or uninstall the Belkin software (not the device driver of course) and stick to the Windows software.

    To make sure WZC is disabled, go to start menu/run, type


    press return

    Scroll down to Wireless Zero Config, make sure it is set to Disabled and stopped. Conversely, if you are ditching the Belkin software, make sure it is set to Automatic and Started.

  3. in the computer services have you turned on the windows zero configuration and set it to automatic ??

  4. Have you tried restarting the computer, sometimes that is a magical fix for limited connectivity issues

  5. You have a computer upstairs, there are a couple of things to bare in mind.

    1st does the upstairs computer have a wireless card?

    If not you will need to install one.

    You may try to run an ethernet cable to your computer and see if you can get it to work by hard wireing it.

    This will tell you if you need a wireless card or a working ethernet card.

  6. mobile phone softwares-

  7. reboot your router (unplug the power supply and wait 5 secs before plugging it in again)

  8. Hey mate, personally, I have no experience with Sky Wireless, however, I'm guessing your using a router, the problem MAY be in your router's configuration, it might have MAC filtering enabled or a number of security measures to prevent access to the Internet.

    So my advice, is to find out the model of your router, and the default ip address, user-name and password for the config.

    Next step, once you have default ip address, (often something like depending on router) is to type it into your browser and then go through the config and disable the security measures that are preventing your access or add your details so that the router recognises your computer and allows it.

    Also, make sure that your computer has the correct network password (which can also be found in the config.)

    This however, assumes that you have some access to the router or wireless device that you are using. Other ideas are to make sure you only have one network utility running.

    If all else fails, contact Sky Wireless and ask them to send someone over

    Hope you end up getting it to work [this guide might be completely useless, you didn't give us enough information, next time try to at least find out a little bit of the problem, like in which device it is in (eg. your computers wireless might not work, your router wont allow access, your browser denies you Internet access but other programs can access it etc.) and explain what you are doing]

    Cheers, Ben

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