
I cant get my 2 yr to go potty on the toilet help please!!!?

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my daughter is a 2 and a couple months and i been trying to potty traine her for about 2 months she shows all the sighns that she ready and she was doing really good at first with pottying in the toilet but know she will not go i'll put her on the toilet and she will sit there for about an hour and tell me she done so i get her of and i put underwear or diapers on her and she will potty in them in like 2 minutes. i tried everyhing from praising to prizes if she goes to the bathroom nothing working please help what should i do?




  1. i took my daughter out of nappys on her 2nd b,day , i just jumped in at the deep end and put pants on , some people stay in and dont go out for days incase the child wets but i went out every day if she needed a wee i let her do one even if it ment stopping the car and she had to do it at the side of the rd. she wet about 5 times one the first day and then it got less and less day by day . keep telling her big girls dont wear nappys and she will thinks she is a big girl , my daughter still wears one at nite ,  

  2. i had a chart that i made posted in the bathroom. i would take her to the bathroom every couple of hours and if she sat on the potty i would give a sticker to put on the chart. if she actually went she got a sticker on the chart and on her hand. she loved the idea.

    also, dont just leave her sitting there for an hour!!! that's not going to make her go. just keep trying every hour or so. also, put on underwear and if she has an accident dont yell but TALK to her. if you get undies with characters that she likes you can tell her things like " Dora doesnt like to get wet so if you have to go potty tell mommy and we'll go on the toilet and Dora will be dry and happy." my daughter did everything she could to keep her undies dry and she was potty trained in 2 weeks.

  3. Oh boy, there's the question of the century.  Maybe something I say will create a spark.

    I tried waaay too early with my son, decided almost immediately that it was really too soon to make an enemy of him.  Then, at, coincidentally, 2 yrs and 2 months, I was moving into a new house.  We were at the title company, really right down to living on a shoestring.  I had the first load in the pickup truck and had just drained the bank account for the house closing.  I took him to the bathroom, spoke very matter of factly, opened my wallet, showed him some loose change and said that Mommy had no money for Pampers and showed him the empty diaper bag, and told him he need to start going "like Daddy."  He had to stand on my feet for this.  He never wet his pants, not once, not at night, never.  

    My daughter was a different issue entirely.  She did NOT want to use the toilet and would scream bloody murder, get off, and squat on the floor.  I cannot tell you I made life really easy for her while this was going on.    Even after she decided life with me would be easier if she used the toilet, at night she slept sooooo soundly and STILL does at 35.  We would get on each side of her, carry her in and sit her down, screaming, squirming, eyes squeezed shut, and she would pull up her pajamas and wet them.  Well, she periodically wet the bed until she was maybe 10, but had to do her laundry.  I draw the line.  She has a baby now and I just hope she wakes to hear Lucy when she needs something.  Really a sound sleeper.

    My niece missed the window of opportunity with her older girl and truly found training to be inconvenient.  Sooooo, there they were, mere months prior to pre-school entry or maybe kindergarten, anyway, I overheard a conversation.  She told young Sarah that if she had to wear a diaper, they would not allow her in school.  Now, I cannot tell you how obvious this was.  Sarah was resistant to ANYthing new and hated ANY sort of change.  The thought of school positively terrified her.  She was purposely avoiding this next level of development.  Anyone could see this except Mum.  Hurry up and get trained or we won't let you go into the dark cavern all alone with the canibalistic ogre.

    They're all different, but hardly any child likes discomfort.  Get rid of those nice convenient diapers that wick away the moisture.  Get some cloth ones and pin them on - no joke here.  When she feels wet and running and is out somewhere with you and it runs through her clothes, and solid stuff is even better, I'll bet the cooperation level goes up drastically and fast.  This will be no fun for you either, downright inconvenient actually, but just work with it and remind her that all of this belongs in the toilet - no baby talk - not hard mean - but really really straight shooting.  You can use those cloth diapers for great rags next month.

  4. ohhh nooo...the memories of potty training! Well the same exact thing happened to my son, I thought for sure he was ready (he was a little over two and a half) and he was doing great but then all of a sudden he was doing everything you just described. I decided to just let the whole potty training thing go for awhile and I tried again in about two months and it was a whole different experience and he did great...maybe your little girl was just excited to try something new but she really isnt ready like you thought?  Try taking a break and starting over like I did and maybe that will work for you, good luck!! : )

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