
I cant get my contacts in???

by  |  earlier

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I just got contacts yesterday, the place where i went was terrible, (America's best) they told me that i would have to make another appointment to come in for a class, which isnt possible, work sx days a week and i am in school full time, anyway. i got them in myself while i was there, got them out just fine last night, however this morning, i couldn't get them in. and when i got them on my eyes they would just roll back off. HELP!!!!!




  1. i am a contact user myself and what i do is simple. Put one or two drops of solution in the contact, and try to put it in your eye and once its in close your eyes and just dab on your eyelid to get the air bubbles out of the contact.

  2. First what you do is RELAX. Then you wash your hands. Put a few drops of solution on the contacts and then put the contact on your index finger. Then what you do is with your other hand pull the upper eyelid up and then place the contact in. Still holding your eyelid up, look side to side to make sure the contact is in. Then SLOWLY release the eyelid and blink a few times to let it settle. Go to too for more info

  3. Come in for a class? That's just silly. Do they expect you to pay for that too?

    It's difficult to use contacts at first but you will get used to it. Do what others have said. Make sure the contacts are not too dry or too wet, and place it on your eye. Sometimes it helps people to close their eyes like one person said but if I am having trouble I put the contact on my eye and try not to blink. I keep staring into the mirror, and wait till the contact is in place before I blink. If it still won't stick I just GENTLY jab it on my eye but I have been using contacts for over ten years so I am not scared to do this.

    Most of the time when my contacts roll back off they are either too wet or too dry, and I'm just really also really frustrated. So I take a deep breath so the things I mentioned previously in this post, and they seem to get in.

    Good luck.

  4. Right the problem is that you are arfaid i guess? I Was when i first got them. Now all you need to do is check if they are the right way before you put them in nice oval shape if right and pointy sides if wrong!. You need to make sure the contact lenses are moist enough when you put them in and your finger is dry, keep the eye open and place it in then when its in blink. keep playing around untill it feels right. Add me on msn if you have anymore problems

  5. Make sure your finger is dry -- put the contact on the tip of your middle finger and make sure it is sitting perfectly straight.  You just want enough moisture on your finger to keep the contact from falling right off, but the top of the contact needs to be kind of wet.

    Now here's the tricky part:  take your other arm and kind of put it up and over your head, and reach down with your hand and hold your eye open from the top, including your eyelashes.

    Hold your bottom lid open with the ring finger of your "contact hand".

    Look past your finger, directly into a mirror, as you very gently place the contact against your eyeball.  Don't push it in, just lay in on your eye.

    If you hit either your top or bottom eyelid with the contact, the contact will flatten out on one side and you'll need to start again.

    If you try this several times and it doesn't get easier, you truly should go back for a lesson.  They won't charge you, and learning to put your contacts in will mean the difference between whether you actually wear them or you just wasted your money.  And remember, the more you do it, the easier it will get!

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