
I cant get my horse on the bit...?

by  |  earlier

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i just cant. unless im like lying down on his neck with my arms all the way up at his bit working the reins and when im down on the ground... what should i do? i can get almost every other horse i ride on the bit but not!




  1. When you say on the bit, you mean rounding his head so he has the right outline, yes? I too call it on the bit but some people answering here must be thinking your meaning getting him to take the bit.

    Ok. The way in which is get my horse to round up is send little messages down to his mouth by sending pressure from one hand at atime to his mouth. When you are walking your horse arsqueezesqueez the reins with one hand at a time. This is asking him to round up. make sure he can feel don't, dont do roughly, just make them slight but so he can feel them. If he isnt listening, make the signals through the reigns a bit more clear.

    Once he rounds up, leave his mouth alone, he has done what you have asked. Every time his head isnt how you would want it to be, (on the bit), do the procedure i just explaind.

  2. try using a hackamore, that is a bridle without a bit or when putting on the bit put your finger wear there are no teeth inside the horses mouth near the back.

    hope i helped

  3. buy a neck strecher you can get them at tack shops or theyre like 20 dollars

  4. hi try using a rings or a chaned bit so when you play with the horse mouth it will help you bring his head down hope this will help you

  5. I know that feeling all too well. I can only say what works for me, but it's worth a try. I find a few ways helpful. Counter bending, 10 meter circles and lots of bending work often gets my horse to work on the bit. Also whilst asking your horse to move forwards try pulling the rains slightly as if you're asking for a halt, but keep your horse moving forwards, and as soon as he accepts the bit, give and take with the rains and reward him to let him know his doing well. Good luck anyway.

  6. Are you meaning "on The Bit" as in getting your horse in position (neck, good frame, collected etc.) or you can't get the bit in his mouth? it sounds like the first one, but other people are saying putting it in his mouth? Just wondering

  7. well i would check his gums because i had that problem with my horse and someone had hurt her gums so every time i tried to get her to collect  she would just pull the reins out of my hands because i was hurting her. Someone didn't use a bit right on her and pushed all the gum away. well horses are supposed to have an 1/2 in of gum and my horse had almost none. so now i have to use a hackamore on her.

  8. look at his teeth i once had a horse that needed to have her teeth filed and no matter what bit we used or how hard we tried she just wouldnt take the bit but we had her teeth done and she took any bit we have her

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