
I cant get my locker at school open. so i need help on how to open it..please?

by  |  earlier

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my combination is: 9-13-35




  1. Ask your teacher for assistance./

  2. tell the janitor to break it get a new one and see if it alright if not the problem is with your locker

  3. Spin it a few times, then rest it on 0.

    Okay! Here we go!

    3 full circles to the left, stop at 9.

    1 full circle to the right, skipping 9, stop at 13.

    Turn to the left to 35.

    If it's Masterlock, it should open!

  4. You spin the wheel clockwise a few times and rest the needle on 0

    then you turn the dial clockwise to 9

    then turn the dial counter clockwise back until you pass 0 then rest the needle on 13

    then turn the dial clockwise to 35

    If that doesnt work you either got the wrong combo or that lock is sticky. Have the Janitor blast it with WD40 or something.

  5. Ask a custodian for help.

    Put in a work order.

    Ask for a new locker.

  6. turn your dial to the right several times befor u start.

    turn the dial to the rite untill the arrow is lined up with the 9.

    then turn your dial to left, pass number 13 one time and then line the arrow up with number 13 on you second time around.

    then tern the dial to the rite again untill u hit number 35.

    if it still doesnt work then ask a friend or a teacher to help u.

    hope this helped.

  7. is the lock like, built into the locker?

    if it is not, go to the janitor, and they should have this tool and rip it open, you will have to get a new lock, of course, but then you'll be able to access your locker.

    if it is built into the locker, ask a teacher to help you. or maybe you are twisting it in the wrong direction?

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