
I cant get over a guy friend? Please help ?

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I really care about one of my guy friends. I helped him at school because he was struggling. I did develop feelings in the process and I told him I liked him. He got mad and said that he wanted to stay friends and he did not need a girlfriend. I said that was fine and we agreed to stay friends. We hang out couple of times and I just cannot seem to be able to get over him. When we hang out the last time I became very quiet at one point because I did not know what to say. I like caring for him, it makes me happy to see him happy. I do not think that I love him but my feelings are strong. I want to spend more time with him but he does not seem to care. I want to go out and have fun and every time when I suggest we go do something, he always says that he will get back to me and he never does. He has never asked me for anything. He told me once that he enjoyed the time we spent together. However, I think that he is lying because he has not called me to hang out and he knows that I will be moving out of state in couple of weeks. I am heart broken and cannot seem to understand why he is treating me this way. I want to keep him as a friend but he does not treat me like one.

Has he lost interest in the friendship? How do I let go of a person I truly care for? Do guys usually say things they do not mean so that they do not hurt the other person's feelings? Please help




  1. Well honey the way i see it there is two reasons why he is doing this. One is that he just used you so he can get good grades and pass the class. He knows you care for him and will do anything for  him. So he took advantage of that. Alot of guys do that, they use people and just throw them out. To me guys are just a$$ holes. I'm sorry for using that word but that's how i see them. They like to take advantage of a girl's feelings and play with it.  Listen guys come and go. If he clearly said to you he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you then why do you even try.  You need to learn to move on, there are hundreds of guys out there for you. Guys that will treat you right and love you.  So forget about him. Yes, I know its hard, and its easier said then done but you have to try at least. That is one way of looking at it. And the other is that he does know that you are moving out of state, so what you be the point of getting attached to you. But i strongly believe that he just used you. But it is up to you to believe what you want. Well good luck =]

  2. You have to decide wat you'd rather have from him... a friendship or a relationship. At least he told you up front that he wasn't interested in changing your guys status. Don't think you can change his mind, because trust me you cant. If its too hard for you to accept his shady behavior leave him alone that way you can get over your feelings for him.

  3. I was like you before, but then I couldn't get over him.

    and soon he started to noticed that I liked him again, he tried to stay away from me as possible, maybe because I wasn't too pretty for him.

    errr, just not think about him too much, go read. It relaxes your body and brain, and it won't really distract you, unless you force yourself to think about him. If you really love/like him then listens to what he says.

    " I just want to be friends" Be friends with him and love him the both

    time. :]

  4. re: I want to keep him as a friend but he does not treat me like one. just need to learn about good self esteem/respect

    which will teach you how you should be treated and how to comand good treatment from others.  

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