
I cant get preg. =''(?

by  |  earlier

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i been on birthcontrol for a couple months and then i stopped taking it. i waited for it get out of my system and then i tried having a child. its been more than 8 months of trying but yet no luck. i get my periods. they are perfectly fine. help please.




  1. Instead of taking tension,better make a visit to a doctor.He will gv u suggestion accirding to ur previous history.

    bst of luck !

  2. you maybe to stressed from all the trying..relax and go with the flow when the times right it will can also talk to you doctor for tips.

  3. Bubba P, you really are a heartless person that comment was uncalled for, maybe in future in you can't input some positive advice you should refrain from answering at all !!!!

  4. maybe your man is shooting blanks?  its god's way of saying you shouldnt be a mom really.

  5. don't worry peopple try much longer then you end up getting a baby  

  6. First, have s*x every other day, not every day, so your partner's sperm count has a chance to build up.  Second, be in a position so that his s***n will remain inside you after his o****m.  Third, have an o****m yourself after his, either on your own or with his help.  This causes your cervix to open up and dip into the back of the v****a to take up the s***n.    

  7. im sorry....adopt...i think if u cant get pregnant then adopting will be good ( also less painfull);...

  8. I took the pill for about a year when I first got married. After I went off of it, it took me a year of actively trying to conceive. I was told that this is not unusual.

    Also, stressing about it can prevent pregnancy. I know this sounds funky, but I believe it is true. For me I think it was a combo of going off the pill and then stressing about how long it was taking. We had been trying for a year and my 21st birthday was coming up that March (this was 10 years ago) so we decided to stop trying for a month so that I could drink since obviously I wasn't going to drink while trying to get pregnant.

    I got pregnant immediately when we stopped trying. I mean IMMEDIATELY. I told hubby since we were having so much trouble conceiving I wanted a dog to lavish my maternal instincts on lol :) I got my dog Feb 20th, I got pregnant Feb 21st.

  9. i know what you mean my cousin used to take the pills for 2 years and then tried to get pregnant and couldnt after she stopped it she tried for about 1 and a half years with no success so she went to a doc and he told her what to do and started treating her and now she is pregnant  

  10. Talk to your ob/gyn.  They may advise you to try on your own for a few more months.  usually after a year of not being able to conceive, they can order some simple tests to determine if there is an obvious problem (such as low sperm count, you not ovulating, etc).  From there, they can determine what to do to help you.  You may be candidate for fertility meds, but only testing will determine that for sure.  They can also do some tests to be sure all the parts are working properly (no blocked tubes, etc)

    Good Luck!

  11. I'm sorry sweetie. I am in the same boat. I have been off birth control for 8 months also and period are perfect but still not pregnant. Just be patient and keep praying. It will happen when It should.
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