
I cant get to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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i cant get to sleep, i gt to get up earley tomorrow for work, icant stop snezing, idk y, my nose is pluged

i have been trying 4 anhouar, and yeah, any tips, mysneezing has gone downi sparye my pillowwith fabress




  1. try getting some sleeping pills and take it early in the evening; here you can get the best ones:  

  2. Try drinking milk or eating rice before going to bed, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, which help you sleep better. From

  3. try using nose drops like saline theyre great for a clogged nose, make sure your room is quiet with no lights on, and maybe take a melatonin they usually help, also make sure your room is a comfortable tempurature. Good luck!

  4. even i am facing same problem..try to use neti pot if it is availeble in ur region..if not then do the following stuff..i promise u it will..u will see the result in two days itself..the problem u r having is because u r allergic to dust..

    try to avoid dusty places,keep ur bed free from dust.

    2)this is very important and very effective i ahve tried it.get fresh luke warm water add moderate amount of salt to it..then mix it properly..just take some salt water in ur hands..(shape ur hand like a bowl and pour some water into it..hold it below ur one of nostrils and start to get salt water into ur one of the nostrils slowly..and finally remove all the salt water..(my this english is too bad hope u got my point)..neti pot is just a higher version for rich people..
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