
I cant grow my hair longer than about 3/4 of an inch?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah I measured =D

I'm 15 and I want to grow my hair out (like at least below ears) but when I try to grow my hair (I keep it at about size 3) it won't grow past and inch or so. I tried to grow my hair for about 4 months and it won't even go near my eyebrows. Is there a problem with my hair or something?




  1. no there is no problem

    as your hair gets longer, it grows more slowly

    ur hair WILL grow long u just have to give it time

  2. no your just not waiting long enough, or if you cut it more often it'll grow faster, try waiting longer for it to grow out. it might be growing fast in the biginning then take a while to contine.

  3. Try wetting your hair more often, to keep it hydrated and in condition.

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