
I cant have a nice conversaition with my new boyfriend , I like's him and dont want 2 lose him please help me.

by  |  earlier

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I feel like I'm not good for him like he's smarter more intalligent , I feel like I'm nothing beside him




  1. Mica- Who are you to criticize? You're using internet lingo and you also selected the incorrect version of "than/then" for the context of your sentence.

  2. never say anything like this about yourself!

    you really want to have conversations with bf, that puts you already in front of a lot of other girls.

    being smart or intelligent and having a lot of information and knowledge are 2 different things!

    if you want to communicate with him, find out what are his favorite topics and start reading, searching the net ..and I'm sure, you've got some topics of your own.

  3. If you feel this way then y r u dating him. Though I can understand why y feel that way, because you can't even spell intelligent they do have spell check on here.

  4. go here and they will teach you how to communicate and be strong:

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