
I cant make my home page?

by  |  earlier

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i tried to do it many times, but now if you look at my page is sooo strange! its soooo long and i dont know why??? for example, if I want to see my Comments, i have to scroll too much by mouse down too see them,please help me




  1. You need to clean out your browsers internet cache of files, cookies , forms, passwords.. all of it.. if you use Internet explorer go to the Tools option on your browser toolbar and from the drop down menu the first option should be Delete Browsing History... click it .. and put a check mark in front of every option there.. then click okay and it will delete all the stuff from days and even months ago from your browser..

    then close the browser and open a new one up and relog into yahoo..

    hopefully it will be empty and it will get new files to use for faster surfing for you.. and the funny looking stuff will be gone.. browsers get too full of files and they won't work right.. cookies can be corrupted or broken and you can get a new one.. all forms you may  have filled out to order things .. will be deleted.. security threat to you right there with that one.. and all tracking cookies from websites will be thrown out.. your computer will run faster ..  just plain mean and evil stuff that can slow you down.. give out information on your movements on the net from 3rd party sites.. all will be thrown away with the files..

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