
I cant move my head... 10 points for best answer!!!

by  |  earlier

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I went to dance practice today and seriously hurt my neck. I can't move my head at all. I'm not sure if its whiplash because my head didn't go forward and backwards it went side to side. anyway my dad didn't talk me to the hospital he took me to Walmart to get some advil and a icepack. it is now 10 o clock and i want to go to bed but i cant even sit down. can anybody help me with my problem. i just want to go to sleep and be able to move my head around. I am in extreme pain.

the reason he wouldn't take me to the emergency room is because they have u sitting in the waiting room all day. and all they do is give u 2 Tylenol and a 500 dollar bill.




  1. It may be a "trapped strained muscle".  I had that one time.  My Dr gave me some muscle relaxers that had aspirin in it (can't remember the name).  After a few days of taking it I could move my head again.  I know how you feel....I couldn't do anything with mine...and driving was a nightmare since I couldn't turn to look over my shoulder.

    Feel better soon!!

  2. Then if you really had a fractured vertebra perhaps he would think twice and take better care of his daughter. If he is not so eager to have a medical doctor look at you, then I am sure he would be LESS likely to follow MY recommendation of having a chiropractor look at you, which is really what you need. I would run it by him, though.

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