
I cant overhand serve!?

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i play volleyball in middle school and on a leauge. this is my first year of really playing on teams, and im pretty good but i have problems with overhand serving! i just cant do it! i lift weights to get stronger and i practice hitting it against the wall, but then when i try over the net, it just wont go over! i think i need to hit it higher or something. experianced players please help me! i need to learn how to serve soon b/c i will be on varsity (8th grade) next year




  1. Stand in a lunging position. When you throw the ball up lunge foward and put your weight on the foot in front. this way you use your body weight.

  2. In answering your question, there are two things you need.  Technique and strength.  It is a balance of the two.  However, the better your technique, the less strength you will need.  Even though you are are a seventh grader, I believe you will be strong enough to serve the ball overhand with proper technique.  

    As a solution, I suggest you work on technique.

    First, you must understand that you have to be consistent in how and where you strike the ball.  Assuming you are right handed:

    warmup practice: put the ball in your left hand and strike the ball dead center with your right hand a few times.  make sure your palm hits dead center this is where you can transfer the most force.  Leave your fingers and whole hand relaxed, not tightly together in a spade or extremely spread (however, dont break your wrist- meaning dont let it bend..  Your fingers will hit the ball also  and add some contro/spin (for just concentrate on a solid hit- your whole hand needs to hit the ball - most force coming from the palm.  l Get used to the feeling of your hand hitting the ball solidly this is crucial.

    When you toss, don't toss the ball too high, it only makes the ball fall faster and more difficult to accurately.  

    If you need additional power, use your body - trying to hit the ball with your hand as hard as you can will result in less accuracy.  remember a solid strike with the whole hand is essential.  To do this, (again for a right hander).  extend the left hand holding the ball.  Timing here is key (this just takes practice)  As you toss the ball staight up, step with your left and strike with your right.  (mentally visualize a solid strike)

    (and depending on how high toss the ball you can take that left step slightly before or slightly after you toss the ball.  

    remember timing is key, to get the body power into the ball, you must strike the ball with just after you step (while your momentum is in your upper body.)

    **Timing and accuracy will take practice.

    Technique wise,

    1. keep the ball slightly in front of you

    2. hit the ball at or near the highest point you can reach.

    3. Keep your right elbow high when you swing.

    4. keeping in mind #2 and #3, lower toss will make a solid hit      easier.

    Trust me I have been playing and coaching for over 15 years and have been part of a NCAA national championship team.  In volleyball, practice and technique are everything, along with mental visualization.  Remember this and you will be awesome.

  3. just keep practicing. And about that advive that said throw the ball with two hands,DONT DO THAT! when i over hand serve i stand with my feet together,then you throw the ball and step with your left foot,and swing with your right,if you're right handed. Also make sure when you throw the ball up, you throw it infront of your hitting hand.THROW,STEP,HIT GOOD LUCK!

  4. First try just THROWING the ball over the net from the service area. You should be stepping with your off-foot (left if you are right handed) and shifting your weight from the back to the front. Once you are comfortable throwing the ball over the net, then go back to hitting it using the same motion. Toss the ball up with your left hand a little in front of you, step with your left foot and shift your weight as you strike the ball with your right hand. Make sure you are making contact with the ball when your arm is almost fully extended and follow through, just like you did when you were throwing the ball. Also, if the ball is too far in front of you, you will hit it when your arm is on the way down and the ball will go down too so you should hit it when the ball is directly over your head. Good luck!!

  5. make sure your right leg is in the front and be sure to put your weight on it. i totally know what you feel, because when i started playing volleyball i couldn't do the overhand, but you have to keep on working out with dumbbells and it will take time, but once your arms are stronger, overhand will be a piece of cake. i worked out with about 10 to 15 pound dumbells and i was better at overhand. try other excercises too, but make sure you don't get cuts on your muscles, because that looks manly.

  6. If you're right handed, put your left foot way in front of your right foot. Bend your elbow before you toss the ball. Make sure that your holding hand is in front of your opposite leg.  Put your hitting hand so that the tip of your thumb is touching your head. Toss it high and in front of you. Swing so that your hitting arm is in front of you. Step with your left foot. Make sure your right foot ends on your toe. Do the opposite if you're left handed. A drill would be to stand behind a line, get in your serving position, and try to toss 10 in a row up. Make sure that when they land they are in front of the line and don't hit your toe. Good luck!

  7. I feel you.  When I first started in 5th grade, it was hard for me to overhand serve.  However, you're just gonna have to keep practicing. You're just not the kind of person who can serve overhand naturally.  concentrate!

  8. MY coach told me too put  my right leg out and make sure you step.. it could Be because your hitting it by your face..if you hit it by ur face start htting it above your head..Good luck!

  9. toss the ball HIGH  with 2 hands. It worked for me. Also try aiming higher and put some muscle into it! When you contact the ball, your other arm should come down as your dominant arm hits the ball for more power. Step into it with your opposite foot. Good luck!

  10. Try this...Stand further back on the line, and throw the ball up in the air a little bit ahead of you, and then take two steps and hit it, that way not only will your arm strength be behind it, your body's momentum will also be behind the ball.  Also you may be trying to contact the ball too low, try tossing it higher and swinging your arm faster.  Good luck!!!

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