
I cant punch with my left hand?

by  |  earlier

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When I fight or hit a punching bag I cant punch as good with my left hand as I can with my right hand.. How can I learn to use my left hand like I use my right hand? PLEASE HELP ME




  1. tie ur right hand behind ur back and just use ur left

  2. get a belt strap your right arm to ur side and only use ur left it will help train ur mind to be stronger on tht side

  3. I was in the same position as u 8 years ago. my right was faster and stronger. Most people have the same cases like u. Now my left hand is the faster hand and my right is my stronger hand. Its very simple. j*p,j*p,j*p. Always lead of your combinations with your j*p (left). Left should be used mostly if your not a southpal.

    Very simple. Practice, practice, and practice with your j*p(left)

  4. practice, practice, practice 100000000 times and maybe you will get it. Best advice I can give you is stop trying to learn on your own and go to a boxing gym

  5. Not just practise but perfect practise.

  6. Practice only using your left hand and take the techniques that you use with your right hand and apply them to your left.

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