
I cant put a tampon in and i am so sick of pads i cant do it...?

by Guest44689  |  earlier

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i think i have found my v****a but i cant put a tampon in I AM me please




  1. I think you are tensing up which is making it either uncomfortable or impossible. First of all wash your hands, put something like KY jelly onto the tampon (this will help it slide in easier). Stand with one leg on the floor and bend your knee on a chair as if you are about to step on a stair, gently slide the tampon in and try not to tense up, sometimes help to think of other things. You will get used to it and it will get easier. Practice makes perfect!!

  2. I know its a bit hard at first when using tampons. When I first started using tampons it would be hard to get in just because I would tense up. Don't tense up and everything will be fine. Also as everyone is saying using the plastic applicator ones goes a lot smoother and easier.

  3. im 13...i only use tampons

    sounds like you should just keep using pads for a while

  4. You think? lol

    Try getting the plastic applicator ones that are "lite"  

  5. if u dont know id u've found ur vaginia ask u mom or try soming else.  

  6. It's okay, it's hard to get a hang of it.

    Good that you have found where to put it. Try getting a tampon that is 'slim' or similar, as they are designed for younger women. An applicator is easier. Basically, put the tip of the applicator into your v****a and push the bottom in, then pull all the cardboard out.

    Sounds really easy, but you could still have problems. If you do, try different positions - squatting, one foot on the toilet lid, bent over forwards. From a squatting position, point sort of towards the lower back.

    Maybe put a bit of KY or vasaline on the tampon to help it slide in.

    Relax and don't worry about it, or you might tense up.

    Make sure it is in far enough, or you will be able to feel it in the opening where there are more nerves.

    If you still have problems, ask a doctor or nurse to show you or help you. Yes, embarassing, but do it once and it could be really helpful.

    Good luck

  7. get a mirror, and then relax your muscles and ease it in. i know its tough, but you'll get it :)

  8. get the small ones and your v****a is where the blood comes really can't miss it sweetie. Get the tampons with the applicators it will make it easier for you. Oh and relax when you try putting it on.

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