
I cant read what this says? can someone please translate it for me thanks?

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من قرأ هذه الرسالة فسوف ينتظر اربعة ايام فيفرح فرحا شديدا وان لم يرسلها فسوف يحزن حزنا شديدا ( لا اله الا انت ربي ، اغفر لي اني كنت من الظالمين ) ارسلها الى 25 شخص وستسمع خبر مفرح الليلة بعونه تعالى




  1. This is written in Arabic and is a chain mail, it translates to:

    Whoever reads this letter will wait four days and will be the happiest ever and if he/she does not send it, he/she will become   extremely sad (There is no God but you lord, forgive me for I am from the oppressors) send this to 25 people and you will hear good news tonight with/by the aid of the Supreme (God).

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have other questions =]

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