
I cant say no to my Father

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Please i need help. I cant say no to my Father who lives in Maryland, And I am supposed to be staying with him for a week or to and i HATE his girlfriend and my mom doesnt want me to take care of there stupid child!!! help me




  1. How old are you?

    Tell him you have school commitments, rehearsals, fundraisers, homework, a part time job or something.

    Or just flat out say, "I feel uncomfortable with your girlfriend and I don't want to spend the week babysitting for free."

    Be sure that these are YOUR feelings and not what your mom is projecting onto you, though.

  2. Have a talk with him, and explain your not very comfortable with his new girlfriend and the way she acts.

  3. Just tell him you are not comfortable with his living with his girlfriend and having a child present.  Explain that you do not get along with the girlfriend and you do not feel the child should see this kind of attitude in the family.

    Perhaps you and he could at least meet and have dinner, or go someplace and spend a couple of days together, just the two of you.  You would have much more "Quality" time.

  4. For one thing, no child is 'stupid'. And for another if you don't like his girlfriend for whatever reason, you need to speak up and talk to him about your feelings instead of letting them fester inside and your anger become even worse towards them and their child. I advise you to watch what you say about their child as children are INNOCENT and don't deserve to be around negetivity, or ppl with attitudes like yours because you hate their parents.

    If one of my family members calls my child stupid, or treats him mean because they hate me, or don't like me or my husband, then I will have to slap them down a peg or two to knock some sense into them. DO NOT put blame, or jealous hate towards a child because you don't like their mother, or father. Deal with the issue head on and leave the child out of it!!!!! For your sake and theirs. COMMUNICATE or no one will know how you feel!

    Yes I am being hard on you because of the way you are feeling towards their child. It's not right. Deal with your issue directly with THEM only and stay sweet to that child.

    SO, get on the horn with your dad and tell him how you are feeling. Let it out and do it now before it becomes uncontrollable and you take it out on their child.

  5. just dont go.....but dont blame the child, it is your sibling after all

  6. Say " I  would love to see you but I have something I need to do. I will be over when I get time"..and never have time.  

  7. Stay with your mom. You have commitments to your school, friends, and perhaps a part-time job. If your around 15 years old, your responsible to make decisions. (But still listen to your parents.) Tell your dad straight up that you don't want to go.

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