
I cant see my girlfriend during ramadan help?

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i am a muslim but do not follow it very closely and my girlfriend is a practicing muslim and as you kow ramadan is nearing and she says we cant see each other and i dont know how to deal with that any answers please help




  1. lol.

    well first it depends on the kind of relationship you have

    Allah loves to have people fall in love but without the touching and  kissing because it's haram and very sinful.

    other than that you can SEE her and there always marriage but of course i dont know w hat ure intentions are but do the right thing!

    And one more thing : to mitaa is HARAM it;s not right whether ure shia or sunni or whatever you are it's sinful!

  2. Get married , before Ramadan.

    In that way you'll see her the whole of Ramadan, and the rest of your life's Ramadans to come.

    Problem solved.easy!

    Good luck.

    May ALLAH protect us all.I.A.  

  3. Tell her the Saitan will be chained up in Ramadan, so nothing can happen between you. And keep meeting.

  4. Dave salam for you..You must get married with her so you can meet and see each other at any time As a good muslim you must pray on time and fast during ramadan and pay zakat too.

  5. Seeing as if you were practising Muslims you wouldn't be dating then I guess you can continue doing whatever you're doing during Ramadan because it doesn't seem to matter much to you, which is reasonable. You don't have to follow old rules if you don't want.


  6. Brother, Good Advise is this to get married with her!!

    No you are not allowed to see her even without Ramadan!!

  7. Well that's an oxymoron if ever i heard one "my GIRLFRIEND is a practicing muslim" not if she has a boyfriend she isn't........

    She is not allowed to see you as a boyfriend 365 days of the year why do you think Ramadan would be an exception?

  8. it is haraam to see her not just just in ramadan but always

  9. If your old enough marry her. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said whoever cannot stop thinking about females then he should marry but if marrying is'nt a compulsion then he should fast. :)

  10. it'e a girlfriend/ boyfriend in islam in all months not just ramadan.

    no offence but ur g/f is a hypocrite as she just cares about Ramadan and than after that u will meet again.

    why don't u just marry her.. well at least get engaged!!


  11. lol Just get married. Have a nikkah done because otherwise ramadhan or no ramandhan really makes little difference

  12. bro how is ur girlfriend a "practicing" Muslim if she has a boyfriend?

  13. she's a hypocrite, sunni during ramadan and what in other months!

  14. It is Haraam and not good known in muslim society to meet a boy to a girl

    you only can do that go and marry with her or only do nikah this a grat way you can meet her  

  15. I. Don't think so... Why don't u Marry her if u love her so much that u can't stay away for a whole month... Even though as a Muslim u shouldn't have a g/f but that's prolly none of my business... Hmmmm

  16. just know. that whats haram during ramadan is haram outside ramadan. so if ur seeing her in a haram way (u gotta ask urself) than ur not allowed  both in/out of ramadan.


  17. Get married to her ;)

    love for all, hatred for none

  18. Islam doesnt allow you to make girl friend. It is haram.

  19. If you are shia then I suggest you do mutaa with her for a 1 month contract. If you are sunni then just get over it, its only 1 month..i'm sure you can control yourself and your sexual needs.

  20. No, you are not allowed to see your girlfriend during Ramadan. You're not even supposed to have one. But since you technically aren't a practicing Muslim, nothing is really stopping you. Still, you should respect your girlfriend's wishes; if she doesn't feel it is right to meet you during Ramadan, just suck it up and don't force her to.

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