
I cant seem to get out of depression?

by  |  earlier

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i don't want to take meds for it. ive seen my brother turn into an emotionless zombie on that. i refuse to take it. i cant go see a phyciatrist(sp?). i don't need their pitiful opinions to cope with situations they will never experience. they would just tell me to got on meds anyway. it their anything i can do?




  1. A change in your diet (eat more natural foods) and physical activity helps. Also helping others, such as volunteering, makes one feel better about their selves. There are a lot of new medications out there that can ( and do ) work w/out becoming a zombie. Depression can be hereditary.  If you've had bad experiences, it's good therapy to just talk about them.  I wish you well.

  2. You dont want professional opinion, but you are willing to listen to some random person you dont even know and take advice from them WOW

  3. Force yourself to exercise - it worked for me plus medication (wellbutrin) work with your psychiatrist on what kind of meds and dosage. I was in clinical depression for 6 months. Yes, i didn't like the side effects of  the medication but it went away in time.  Be patient, pray, believe that you'll be out of that seemingly bottomless pit - because you will. Start your exercise now.

  4. I am a long time depression sufferer.

    If your depression is something specific like, you broke up with your boyfriend, then I think that u can deal with it......

    If u are unable to function then you will have to see a doctor.

    I agree with u about the meds though.  I've been on them for sooooo many years and they do make you numb.

    On the other hand, if depression runs in your family, you may try counceling first....but yes...try to stay away from the meds.

  5. grow some nuts

  6. Let me just ask, why are you depressed, what is the cause of your depression. Even if you choose not to tell me or anyone else you have to know at least that first in order to tackle your depression. As humans we differ and so its hard to tell you what works for me and in such it may not work for you. Just take your time to find out what really makes you feel comfortable and happy and from there you will take your time and get back to your self  

  7. Not all medications make you feel that way, if you are on a lower dose, you won't feel like a zombie. A lot of psychologists (therapists), became therapists because they have experienced depression, and other mental diseases. I have, and I would love to study psychology. I want to help people who went through what I did. And, the ways they teach you how to cope, really do work. Plus, just talking about it will help you. Give it a try, see a therapist.  

  8. Try a Psychologist -- they don't have a license to prescribe meds so more likely he/she will help you work through your depression through the root cause - unless the root cause is actually physical, in which case you'll likely get referred to a psychiatrist, in which case you *might* want to reconsider.

    In either case, a holistic doctor may be able to help - diet changes, herb remedies. Or acupuncture. Yoga helps some people as well, as do working out math problems (no kidding).

    First,  many young people who have depression or other emotional issues go on to study psychology so they can help others - i.e. many in the field HAVE gone through similar issues.

    -Second, you don't have to experience something first hand to help someone else through something. For example, an MD doesn't have to have gone through an appendectomy to diagnose appendicitis.

    and Third, if you do not deal with the root cause, how will you make the depression go away and ensure it doesn't reoccur if you go through or experience something similar?

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