
I cant seem to serve over the net, can someone help me? also, my digging is erratic...?

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I cant seem to serve over the net, can someone help me? also, my digging is erratic...?




  1. Make sure your toss isnt to high or too low. That is the problem with many people..

    Also.. make sure your not snapping your wrist..

    When u spike you have to snap your wrist.. and many poeple carry that to there serving which causes them to netball...

    You can throw a softball everyday to amke your arm stronger.. or simply work out lifting weights..


    Digging.. the best thing to help with that is sqauts and diving practice.. For example.. when your at the gym.. you can just practice moving your feet and diving to different spots.. then add a ball to it.

  2. when you toss make sure the ball falls to the other sie of your body. eg if your right handed and you thro with your left the ball should cross the the front of your right side. and if your left handed the other way around. hit under the ball and out not just straight out too.

    for digging you need practice. and flick your wrist more dont just swing your arms cause you most likely wont have the time/room/or controll.

  3. if u r right handed than make sure that ur left leg is INFRONT ur right leg and if u r left handed than b sure that ur right foot is in front ur left foot throw the ball in the air with the 2 hands than shoot with ur right hand and dont make ur hands go down immediately after shooting or hiting the ball keep it up 4 just 2 seconds after hitting the ball and dont close ur fingers and stretch them...and u can also train in 1 step than the other that u dont have 2 get it over the net from the first time but u must start from a relatively close point from the net then start 2 get far away until u can make the serve from the furthest and the ending line of the handball field or I donno how 2 say it.....and also jumping while making the serve can help u if ur problem was that the ball doesnt go high enough....................hope that I had helped

  4. Practice at home:

    - Find a open wall on the side of your house

    - Make a mark 7.4 feet high on the wall

    - Make a line on the round 30 feet back from the wall

    - Stand behind that line and practice serving over hand

    --Get closer to the wall and practice bumping, setting, digging etc.

    this is like the set up of a volleyball court

    **Make sure all balls hit the wall over the line you made**

    For digging just make sure you get under the ball and bring it up.

    don't  try to pass or dig the ball from it's side or it will just go forward, and back to the ground.

    Don't be afraid of the ground either!! It wont hurt to go down on your knee, trust me.

    To dig just take your palm and fold your fingers in, leaving your thumb out. Make sure it is a flat surface. Get under the ball and pass it up!

  5. just keep your hand OPEN OPEN OPEN!!!!!

  6. just keep practicing your serve, it takes most people 6 months to master it.

    you can

    a) hit a mini ball against your bedroom wall

    b)go to a tennis court and measurse 7'4 feet up the fence, and 30 feet out, and practice serving therer

    c) all of the above

    just keep working at it. u'lll get it

  7. you'll need to test out your toss and see what works best for you. It is usually better to not have a super high toss but if you find that it gives you more time to think go for it!. when serving pull your arm striaght back as if you are shooting a bow and arrow and then hit the ball. This will give you more power. Make sure you are hitting the ball in the right place. If you are hitting it to high up it will hit the net. step toward the ball to get more power. for digging make sure your hips are line up to where you want the ball to go. Stay calm and don't panic and start swinging your arms. get lined up before you dig.

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