
I cant sleep, when i do i sleepwalk or have weird dreams.?

by  |  earlier

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ive been having trouble falling asleep and when i do i either wake up, or when i do sleep i have dreams of either me watching myself sleep or of me waking up in mysleep and laying in my bed, either having my dad open the door and stick his hand in to say hes home or that i called someone half aleep and got their answering machine and then i go back to sleep. but i didnt really do that... it was a dream... its weird so im having trouble separating dreams from reality sometimes until i wake up and realize i didnt call anyone or my dad isnt home... and ive been sleep walking, calling people to talk in my sleep, texting random letters to people in my sleep, letting my dog outside, waking up under my bed, messing up the kitchen, i dont even know what else. Its creeping me out though. IDK y this is happening. Its been about a wk since it started. The only thing i can think of is my bf cant call me i have to call him bc he couldnt afford long distance. lack of communication? thankyou :)




  1. If you recognize that you have a spiritual life you can allow  good to come. You're safe it's doing no harm.  Pay attention to your sleeping position, east, west and so on, note where the light comes from, the types of food you ate maybe you can get a handle on it, maybe be like Edgar Casey.  work with it and make use of it .  apparently it's you.

  2. It may be a temporary sleeping disorder because of stress, or changing sleeping conditions (new bed, different sleep hours), or if you are napping during the day.

    If it continues, you should call your local hospital and see if they have a sleep lab. See what they say.

  3. I agree with wush (shock! lol) If it keeps might need to go to a clinic and have a sleep study done on you. Losing sleep can be very damaging..and can eventually cause hallucinations and mental problems. Maybe you could have someone keep an eye on you while you sleep so they can tell you if you're sleep walking and doing these things that you think you might only be dreaming.

  4. the answer is obvious don't sleepwalk. stay in bed

  5. I had the same problem when I was a teenager, but eventually I grew out of it! I believe it had to do with stress! My son who is almost a teenager sleep walks & it scares the h**l out of me!

  6. Sounds as though you have a problem you don't know how to deal with.  Here on YQA we're just a lot of strangers.  You probably need to talk to someone you know and trust and get whatever advice you need from them.

    Nobody here is in a position to know your problem well enough to be giving advice.

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