
I cant sleep early. My sleeping patterns are all messed up. Someone help me?

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I sleep at 4-5am everyday ever since the summer. School is going to start soon so I want to sleep earlier.

I have tried to sleep at 3 and all that happens is i sit there in my bed for another hour. I tried to sleep at 2 same thing happens. Any suggestions?




  1. I heard drinking warm milk, and eating lettuce help you sleep.

  2. if you wake up earlier than you usually do when you hit the sack at 4, it will help. you will be tired earlier. slowly take it from there. and definitely avoid caffeine late.

  3. so this is what you do before you sleep you should excercise get your self really really tired, and I assure you'll fall asleep at any time.

  4. You have to slowly adjust.  Try half hour increments.  Instead of 4 or 5 try 3:30 and work your way from there.  Also try listening to soothing music.

  5. i can totally relate, this summer (until last week) i was going to sleep at 4am and waking up at like 5pm and i hated it. so i didnt sleep one night, so i was tired the whole day so i could like choose when i went to sleep, and i went to sleep at 9. but you have to keep it up, im tempted to go to sleep later but i go to sleep the same time everyday  

  6. If you can do it safely, (and don't do it if you've got to drive or operate equipment), you can just not go to bed one night at all.  Just stay up till your new regular bedtime the next evening, set the alarm clock for the next morning, and go to bed.  During your marathon awake period:


    Get up the next morning with aid of alarm clock and go sit outdoors for an hour.  From then on, go to bed at your regular new bedtime and up with the alarm clock and outside for at least half an hour.  Within a few days you will have established a new sleep pattern.  

    Things to avoid regularly before bedtime: heavy exercise, engrossing tv, videogames, etc.  Find something boring and tranquil.  (I always found a page of my organic chemistry textbook put me straight to sleep.<g>)

    more reading:

  7. OMG, i have the same daamn problem

    i dont sleeo till like 4-6 i tried to start sleeping early but its like (O_O)

    im wide awake.

    and i exercise too

    like its about 2:00 am right now

    and im WIDE AWAKE :p

  8. Try drinking milk or eating rice before going to bed, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, which help you sleep better. From

  9. You need to get on a regular sleep schedule and keep to sounds like you let your summer schedule or lack there of, change your normal routine...there are chamomile tea, OTC medications and herbal aids to assist you going to sleep, but you should start rising at your desired time everyday and hopefully, you can be tired enough from rising so early to be able to get to sleep at a normal time and then keep to this schedule even during the weekends....

  10. i don't know how old you are but i drink a glass of wine and it knocks me right out, but it makes me  snore  like a big animal oh well.. i only wake up when it gets to loud..but wine is great.. i think it's good for your heart too..

  11. The best way I've found is to set up a specific time to wake up and stick to it. Then, only go to bed when you feel tired.

    Example: set 7 am as your wake up time. No matter what resolve to wake up when your alarm clock goes off at 7 and don't nap/ drink caffeine the rest of the day. Only go to sleep when you're tired. If you're not tired until 4 am, fine, but you have to wake up at 7.

    Eventually your body will return to normal. and your sleeping patter will go to a normal range. The important things are to wake up at a constant time and to only go to sleep when you feel tired and no napping!

  12. To get your sleep patterns back to normal take melatonin cherry flavor from GNC. It's only $3.99 and is like taking vitamin c. It is good for your health and will get your sleep patterns back to normal.

    Elias Garcia

  13. I have the exact same problem. Try to go to bed an hour early ever night. Also make sure you get exercise because if you just lie around all day then you won't be very tired.

  14. Go to a grocery store or a drug store to buy a sleep aid pills also melatonin helps too.

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