
I cant sleep till 4 in the morning?

by  |  earlier

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i can never fall asleep. im tired but i just cant till 4 am . any suggestions




  1. Sometimes it hard to fall asleep especially if you can't get your mind to shut down for a while.. I can be dead tired and go to bed, and my eyes are wide awake..

    stress I think plays a factor in it as well..

    you can by the stuff over the counter check at your local drugstore and ask them if they have any suggestions? best of luck

  2. start trying from now on to go to sleep a little earlier even if you don't feel sleepy at all, and your body will start getting used to it when you've done it for an entire week.probably it takes you a little longer but its all about getting your body use to it.

  3. Sleep is something you do best when you go to bed tired but free of hassles. If you go to bed and your mind is racing thinking about family problems, bills, arguments with others, and many other things which occupy your mind, you might just as well stay up. I never go to bed before 11pm. I might watch a light TV show which doesn't require much concentration, I might listen to a little music and when I feel myself dropping off. I shut off the radio/CD, turn the light off and the next thing I know it's morning.

    With respect, 9pm is early to go to bed, and I think you are wide awake and your mind is extremely alert.

    Try going to bed a little later. In time, if you remember to clear your mind first, you will drop off and eventually you will establish a sleeping pattern. I don't know your age, but I am not a young man and it works for me. Take care. I hope it works.

  4. go to sleep earlier maybe you'll fall asleep faster

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