
I cant stand my football practice anymore help!?

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my coach is crazy he gives us 9 hour practices every day even Saturday. we get no breaks except a 10 min water break and thats it! By like the 5th hour i start to see black dots and feel like fainting. Im a receiver so i have to work hard but its jus too much. i cant quite because iv already gone this far but anytips to survive the rest of the session which ends november=/.?




  1. Ha! Ha! I remember those days.  Drink up sonny!!!!

  2. Coaches don't work people that long, therefore your full of sh**, and I don't like people that are full of sh**, therefore I don't like you.

  3. If you want to get good you need to put in another 3 at least.  Carb out every night before a practice.  Eat a lot of protien (eggs, meat) in the morning and Carbs (pasta, bread, corn, potatos) the night before.  Your body needs the fuel.  


  5. 9 HOUR PRACTICES? That's against the law. I think you must be Freshman son has 2-a-days...1 hour in the a.m. before school and 3 hours after school, 4 hours on Saturday...BUT 9 Hours?...I don't buy it.  

  6. well thats a complete lie even three a days which i did only lasted 8 hours and we had a half hour and an hour break. just suck up whatever the real ammount of time is or quit and be called a wimp i dont care cause i already consider you a wimp.

  7. It sounds like you are in 3-a-days and they'll be over when school starts.

    Drink plenty of water...

    Get plenty of rest... has to go thru it too, so hang in there.

  8. phhhhh, 9 hrs. ain't nothin.  

  9. You are a receiver, u have one of the easier jobs. more working on timing and running and catching and blocking lil CBs. and theres no way u actually go for 9 hrs. youre a ******

  10. Suck it up and drive on

  11. Sorry, I'm not buying it.  No coach works people 9 hours a day.  

  12. If you love what your doing stay strong, but if you don't there is no reason to stay on the field.  

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