
I can't stop eating cornstarch Is there anything that I can substitute for cornstarch that will make me just as happy?

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  1. Guest21470

    Ive been eating corn starch since i was 6 years old i am now 21 , ive gained a lot of weight im always tired my skin became dry . they say its because you lack something i have sickle cell anemia so even taking iron pill doesnt have cause my anemia nevr goes away i tried going call turkey but when im in certain moods it makes me feel better but i really need to stop any one no any subsitutions.

  2. Guest10986

    My God I Love Cornstarch So Much That I'm Sad To Say That I Tell My Friends To Buy Me Some Cornstarch And To Give It To Me At School I Feel Ashamed But It's Sooooo Delicious


    If You Wanna Watch Me Eat Some Go To YouTube And Search For My Channel Gabby E.

  3.   I had to stop because I was looking through every website to have CS delivery.   I'm recoveing thank goodness.    Take one day at a time.

  4. lmao you are addicted     stop thinking about starch and pray and fast. that starch isnt good for you. its the mind that GOD created that makes one addicted to things such as cleaning, s*x, drugs, etc.   Fast to GOD. Fast to clean your body

  5.  i love corn starch i have been eating it for a whole year now and gained 20 pounds! I find myself buying this whenever i have money. i eat a container a day and more if i could. iron pills help but i miss my starch and just buy it again. I wish they would just strip the market of cornstarch dont you think that will help. thats kinda hard for me to say but it would work

  6.  If you crave cornstarch, you may have a condition called pica. Pica also causes people to crave clay, dirt, chalk, and other non-food items. It's a medical condition that can be cured. It's often caused by lack of certain vitamins or minerals in your body. Please tell your doctor about your cravings for cornstarch. He/she will recognize the symptoms and help you.

  7. u guys r not alone i eat about 3 containers a day thats fucked up if i dont have any im not happy and i wont interact wit anyone until i get some when i go by people house i raid their cabonaits to see if they have ant CORN STARCH

  8. I have been eating Cornstarch since I was 16 and I am now 26!! I used to play basketball in college so I wasnt gaining that much weight and the weight I did gain I ran it off!! I used to weigh 142..I now weigh 164!! I want to stop eating it so bad because now I have massive headaches and chest pains. It scares me so bad because Im afraid I will have heart failure but not scared enough not to eat it I guess! I really need help. I eat one every day and a half. I know a lady that ate 2 a day and had a stroke! This really scares me!! Like is there any particular or specific iron pills that I need to take?

  9. I wanna stop eating cornstarch but i cant I see the change it's doing to me making me more bigger and a dark ring around my eye you cant c it but I can. I really want to stop but everytime i get sent to da store i go on da hall its on and buy it ugh  I get tired and lazy like i just took pills this is my last box i will start taking my iron pills and manage my weigh i have gain alot of pounds i dnt like it i want to cry about it...

  10. i tried eating cornstarch once and became hooked 4 about 1 month then suddenly i developed an yeast infection an never ate it again because of that. but i love the taste and texture of chalk can't do without it. love chalk............................

  11. <p>I am 17 years old and i have been eating corn starch every since i was around 6. My mom buys it all the time. She started when she was 17 and now she is in her late 30's. My grandma tells me that I need to stop because in the future I will have many health problems because of it. I really need help. I dont know what it is but I crave it all the time its just something about the dryness and the texture that it has when it's in my mouth.

  12. I really and truely belive that this is and strong addiction but if you really want to stop you have to be determined and have faith that God will help you through this addiction because this disorder can be very harmful to the bodies, leading up to diabetes, clogs in the body, and so much more unhealthy affects to the body. TRUST ME i know, i used to be the same way but just hearing about all the problems eating cornstarch lead to i just knew i had to stop and nobody but God could help me. So if u really and truelly want and need to stop you can do it with help from the mighty God above! 

  13. this is a terrible addiction of mine..i eat a box a day and ive gained 20 lbs in da last 2 mths..i need help..i take my iron pills but dey dont family is scared im gonna die from it because ive been eating since i was 16 and im now 25..the only time i do not crave it is when im pregnant..this a terrible drug and i wish someone could help me stop..773 531 3818 nikki

  14. I've been eating starch for awhile and it seems like I can't stop eating it, but after today I will not be eating nomore cornstarch.I have gained almost ten pounds in the last 8 months, but I still look the same you can't realy tell no difference but I can feel a difference.Today is my last day of eating cornstarch,I know It's not going to easy but I will get through it no matter what.

  15. OMG!!!! I so thought I was in this all alone. I just started eating cornstarch in my first pregnacy toward the end. At first I did not know what it was that I was craving. I was going through my cabinets at home finger testing flour, baking powder, baking soda, powdered sugar, and finally I came to the corn starch and I was like this is it at first I was just doing a little bit at a time each day then it increased all of a sudden I wen to eating boxes in like a week up until I had my baby. After I had her I did not crave it but when I started craveing it again I kwen something was wrong and yes that is when I found out I was having another baby and I have craved it sine the 4 month and I am due in Novemeber as a matter of fact I am craving as we tpye and fixing to go and buy me some now. My first baby came out the womb covered in it so I can imagine what my next baby is going to come out

  16. I love eating constarch im eating it right now and can,t stop but I think chewing spearment gum helps the cravings a little.

  17. Has anyone notice how when you are eating this powderey substance, it squeaks when you chew it. And it melts so smooth in your mouth. Man when you take a large spoonful, it makes you mouth really dry...hard to chew, but it is good thing! Sometimes i will shake up the boxes so I can get a whip of the smell of it. I love the way it smells. I use to eat Argo Laundry Starch when I was younger. It was crunchy... that was so good stuff too. My mother use to eat it too. She would buy it and we would share the box. I loved it back then as well. I liked the crunchy texture of it. You couldn't make a big messy either. I remember eating it witha a glass of Coke. But now I just eat the cornstarch. It's good too. I know I should be trying to stop eating it....but it so hard to stop. I know I am addicted to it. I read these comments and I just crave for it more and more. I can almost feel it in my mouth sometimes. That's wierd isn't it. Sometime I wish I could sneak it to work so I can get my addiction on! Well I will comment again soon. God bless everyone.

  18. I too crave it. It's sooooo good. I put it in the freezer and let it get really cold. It makes a real dry feeling in my mouth. I haven't tried it with a straw yet. I have read where some people eat it with a straw. It seems like if you ate it through a straw, it wouldn't be as messy. So hard to get off your clothes. I use to eat flour. Man I could eat that every day. I only ate self-rising. Didn't like all purpose taste to bland. I also use to eat dirt (from Alabamama...the good kind). But I wish I could stop eating all of this. I know it is why my iron is low, why I fell so sluggish, headache and all that other stuff. I just can't resist that soft powderey tasting stuff. It soooooooo gooooood. maybe I will stop soon who knows. LOL!!!!!

  19. I have that problem to I ben addicted to it since I was eight years old I used to see my mama eat it but she stopped and Im still addicted to it worst because Im pregnant and crave it all the time I dont care what kind it is the one in the container,the box or clabber girl I'll eat me some cornstarh like crazy I eat the box and container in 2 days and eat clabber girl in one day I just had cornstarch 2 days ago and Im missing it because I dont have no money to buy some now i was so depressed soon as i ate the last lil

  20. I feel your pain....I have been addicted to cornstarch since I was 21 years old and i am now 31 years old.  It is very hard to quit but it does cause low iron and it is also horrible for your teeth and gums.  I have tried so hard to quit and i just cant.  I have been clean now for 2 weeks but I don't know how long it will last....

  21. I love cornstarch also..i have been eating it since i was 15 and im 25 now. I have tried to wing myself off of it but didnt work. It scares me because I had a friend who ate like 2 a day and had a stroke. The doctor said it was because of this. Im still addicted tho. It did caused me to be anemic.If i dont have starch im eating ice. The doctor diagnosed me with a disorder called PICA. He said its when your body craves something and things like cornstarch are a substitute for it.I dunno.Im taking iron pills butI still feign for it!


  23. Try mixing corn starch with powdered sugar, it's sooooooo good. That added sweetness makes it so tasty, trust me on this!!!

  24. maybe georgia clay or chalk but i still crave the starch more and like that better

  25. I love cornstarch I crave for it all the time i would rather eat cornstarch den food but wen i eat food I dont even think of starch I ate 6 boxes of corn starch in a week in a half my mom said i have low iron and thats why I be so tired but i love it I want some now just by talking about it I just got finish eating a box I couldnt wait to come home from school and eat dat corn starch up

  26. I love cornstarch. Keep eating it. Send me some !!! email me

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