
I cant stop masturbating to p**n what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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i saw it once and now i cant stop




  1. get a girlfriend . well how many times do u do it a week ?

  2. I'm not a big fan of p**n, especially for young guys.  I hope you are sincere and will try to stop this habit.  There's no reason that your imagination can't fill your needs.  Try to stay away from your computer or just use it when others are around.  Spend more time outside so you won't think of it as much.  And spend more time with family and friends so you're not alone as much.  I really think p**n twists our perceptions of what s*x is about and affects our sexual health later in life.  p**n is not real anymore than other movies are not real.  Good luck -  

  3. m********e to fantasies instead!

  4. How to avoid p**n addiction on the Internet

    1. Consider installing p**n content filtering software( Strongly Recommend NetDog ,you can get it from ) on your computer. it will help to protect you from stumbling into pornography by accident, That's important.

    2. Do not try to guess what the address of a Web page is. Many pornographic sites have similar addresses of respectable sites. For example www . whitehouse . com is a p**n site. The real address is www. whitehouse . gov

    3. Never click on Web site addresses that you receive in an unsolicited email.

    4. Do not open attachments that come in email that are unsolicited.

    5. Use filtered search engines or reputable directories to find the information you need.

    6. Do not search for terms like girls. Think before you enter a search term.

    Stick with reputable sites.

    If something looks questionable, don't let curiosity get the best of you. Delete it or close the window.

    Internet p**n Filter Software Resource :

  5. turn off the tube and think about going fishing, works for me

  6. p**n can be bad because it is the ultimate turn on for males who are highly visual and sight oriented. We are so turned on by our sight!!!

    The problem is that when you get really hooked on p**n for all visual stimulation, what's left?

    The real problem is that when makeing real Love, you become a participant, and not a spectator. You don't get to see all of the exciting parts because you aren't abel to get back far enough to be able to see it all going on.

    The way to do it is to slowly wean yourself off from p**n by gradually replacing it with still pictures, then by thoughts, then by thoughts and focusing on how the "feel good" is for excitment, while wanking.

    You want real s*x to work on vision to a limited extent only to start, then thought, and then awesome feelings that are going on while you are doing it with the exciting thouights of your Lady.

    There!.... now you can see where you are at now, and the goal that you want to get to which is a healthy and a really workable way for amzing s*x.

    Occasional p**n is OK after, but use it to make you think of how it is going to be for you, and not the p**n as the focal point of the excitement.

    Don't make it a tense thing, and just work your way through it slowly and sure! The feelings of stress guilt and failure is the formula that forms an addiction, so you don't want to take it there!

    Hope this makes sense for you Man

    Me! :- )


  7. The best thing to do is put a lock on your computer where you aren't able to access p**n and eventually you'll stop having the desire to look at it. p**n is definitely addicting and that's why you shouldn't look at it to begin with. Try to keep busy so you don't have time to get on the computer unless necessary. Hope this helps.

  8. Develop your imagination a little more and use that! ;)

  9. get a girl freind and do it with her u  pervert god o well anyway you could also block the p**n sites

    hope it helps

  10. Get a girlfriend.

  11. turn off the p**n but keep masturbating

  12. Enjoy it and don't stop. There's nothing wrong with masturbating. If it assists you to get off who cares. Sometimes a magazine picture works, sometimes you might need more stimulation like DVD or the net. Why stop? You're like every other guy out there. Men are very visually stimulated. Have fun.

  13. try to slow down a little

    if you keep on Masturbating you will get used to a certain pressure and a certain rhythm and then you will not be able to come when with a partner

    so tone it down do a little less each doy or you will ruin your s*x life

  14. Well, what u r asking is impossible once u start masturbating u wont be able to stop it (SO THIS IS THE 1ST PART OF UR Q AND IM SURE).

    p**n only makes the problem worse, there are a lotta hot pornstars out there if u want some names i can help u with it lol.

    So, if u r a teenager then u r in the middle of ur "masturbating age" lol

    as u grow older this problem will get less, once u r around 40 or 50 u will be wishing to m********e!!! Bcaz by that time ur "D" will not WAKE UP!!!

    So, go and thank god lol

  15. stop watching p**n smartness

  16. its a big turn off if guys watch p**n,

    just stop

  17. either continue or have the real thing

  18. Yeah, I've been in the same boat. It is very difficult to stay away from. the one thing that has helped me was applying Scientology ethics technology. If you take a look at it honestly and apply it correctly you will have success.

    Good luck

  19. cut your d**k off, it worked for me!

  20. OMG! Don't listen to all these people. You giving your self pleasure is normal. Granted to do it to p**n all the time, might stop you from being able to function in every day life, but you have to set yourself limits. Give yourself a specific time to do this, and when your done your done . That's it. But no, self pleasure is totally normal, so dont sweat it. You will be ok.

  21. watch tv go outside something to get your mind off of it

  22. anything to keep urself busy whether it be the 360, tv, chilling with friends, hmwk etc. if ur really bent on stopping limit ur time on the computer as well or just dont use it at all unless its for hmwk.  

  23. Well I have to tell you that once you start masturbating you don't stop. Now for the whole doing it to p**n. Try masturbating somewhere where it would be impossible for you to look at a picture, like in the shower, that's  a great place if you have anymore questions or need to talk my email is

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