
I cant stop reading!Please help!?

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Ok so i've always loved reading,no i'm not a nerd its more of a hobby. But the thing is lately i've grown more and more attached to it and now that school started its kind of a problem.Take last night for example, i stayed up till 4a.m. ! Even if the book isnt that nice (i read almost anything from fantasy to classics) i still cant put it down.Its like i'm addicted to it. Not to mention it also ruined my vision:( Please help!




  1. I can't stand reading.

  2. maybe next time you want to read you should just force yourself to go outside and take a walk (if its nice and in the day).  you can probably ask your doctor about it.  and you might want to get your eyes checked, better to fix them now then let them get worse and have terrible vision and huge glasses.

  3. Ah....been there myself. I had to learn to pace myself a little because the reading obsession would often interfere with work or social responsibilities. One thing I did was to begin reading three or four books at the same time, trying to stay roughly even with each. That caused me to set aside a specific routine for what I read and how much time I devoted to each. I am driven to know what the endings are, but I NEVER peek at the end of a book. My new routine actually helps me stay in tempo with the books...I feel a kind of expanded thought process. It used to be that I would seldom re-read a book, but now I, I've noticed that I am more able to be aware of the writer techniques, so I am more selective with the authors I read. Bad news for James Patterson. Good news for Diana Gabaldon, Lisa Scottoline, Neil Gaiman,,,, Love the Reading

    p.s. I blame my vision issues to computers....not reading books

  4. i feel the same, get a family member to take away the book your readin and tell them not to let you have it back until friday or the weekends or something or they give you a limited reading time then they take it away after an hour, or stop getting books for a while, when i read i get good books and read all the time for about 2 weeks then for the next 1/2 weeks i dont have a book to read until i go and buy one

  5. There's nothing wrong with loving to read. I'd suggest setting up certain hours dedicated to reading; preferably during the daytime so that you don't continue to ruin your vision. Remember poor lighting equals bad vision.

  6. It is hard as there are so many good things out there to read!  However, unlike crack, it's a good addiction.  If you really want to try and stop then, now that school is back, join an afterschool acitivity to refocus your interest.  Or, if nothing appeals, and to give your eyes a break, look into audiobooks (downloadable or otherwise).  They are actually pretty good if the reader knows what they are doing.

  7. Don't stop reading completely, though if you aren't going to sleep at a good time, you do need to know when to stop.

    Try giving yourself a time limit, like, at ten o'clock I'll stop. Or limit how many chapters you read.

    But reading is great, so addicting! That's great that you're reading classics! Hope this helps!

  8. You read everything? That's refreshing. Round here the kids read nothing but the latest teen hit books... heck, it seems the adults are doing that too.

    Good for you. Keep an open mind and keep opening those classics. That's where the surprising stuff is. Popular books are so predictable.

    Here's my list of classic authors that are great:

    Charles Dickens

    Mark Twain

    Emily Bronte

    Anatole France

    James Joyce

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Edgar Allen Poe

    W. Somerset Maugham

    Adisteir Grey

    Oh there's plenty more... shelves and shelves

    I'm glad you do this and not those silly computer games...

  9. Hey,

    Well I'm sure you will get lots of advice as most of the people in this section will be addicted to reading! I also stayed up to the early hours of the morning and what i did was i told my mum to take all my books and hide them from me, then she gave them back to me each morning. I get much more sleep now! :)


  10. Actually, to everyone out their who does not believe her, reading to much can make your perscription go out of whack.  Whenever I have been reading alot my eye docter can tell.

  11. Reading is my main hobby as well. I like it alot. :)

    So long as you read in good lighting and have your other thing prioritized, there should be no problem. If it's too much of an addiction you might want someone else to check on you from time to time. PS what are you reading? If you're reading trash then I should recommend some classics.


  12. I am the same and now i've got to go back to school.

    PROBLEM !!

  13. It's not a problem,,,during the summer you just had no other activities so you pleasured yourself with reading...once you get back in the pattern of going to school you will be occupied with h/w test and classwork that your reading will be limited..

    Reading can't ruin your vision....I hope not...are you reading in the dark?

  14. omg i do the same exact thing.last night i stayed up til two reading a twilight series book and i just couldn't put it down.i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep if i put the book down so i finished the last 200 pages before i got to sleep.don't worry about it too much.just make sure that you aren't doing this every single night cuz you do need some sleep.

  15. no 1 reading will not ruin your vision, that is an old wives tale.

    No.2  what time did you start reading last night.  I read about 4 hours everyday, but I don't watch much tv.  You can't do both.  You have to prioritise your leisure time.

    Why do you make a distinctive been hobby and nerd reading?  You can get a degree in Literature which should include everything from the classics to fantasy.  

    Prioritise your time, and keep on reading.  

  16. it is nomal.since u like reading so much , try books on medicine and law.

  17. i also love reading. i do that to sometimes. i read till my eyes get realy tired and i can barley keep them open. its fun and relaxing. this is what i do i set an alarm on my phone to go off at my cut off time when it rings i read till the next puasing point and then pick up the next day. reading is really good.

  18. you should read at most for 2 hours

    then put it away

    and make plans to get your mind off it

  19. hi

    i dnt think ur a nerd but in the hols i was so bored and i just stayed on the compture all the time but for u u read all the time so its kind of addictive

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