
I cant stop shaking whats wrong?

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so i was comforting one of my best friends thats a girl. and i think i love her. but her boyfriends a prick. and they were fighting. and i asked her if she ever thought of being more than friends with me. and she said yes.

but then she told me she couldnt let me hold her

and that made me mad at her boyfriend

so i went out for a bike ride

and i started going fast

and i was really angry

and i just kept thinking of all my worst characteristics

and i got aggressive, and i started shaking and its hard to breathe and my back hurts.

and now it wont stop

and i have the need to go fast

whats wrong with me?




  1. I agree with bbitf.  It's really a natural reaction, but scary.  It will wear off as the adrenaline level subsides.  But you don't need a punching bag, a pillow will work, and not hurt your hands...  In situations like this (it happens to everybody sooner or later), I try to train my brain to refocus.  Push the bad thoughts out and search for good things about myself (it's not easy sometimes but gets easier with a little practice).

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll feel better soon.

  2. To me it seems like a hefty dose of frustration mixed with rage... and probably also testosterone filling any gaps. I'd say you have a bit of adrenaline from the whole thing which is making you need to go fast - is this the first time you've felt this way?

    The back ache may have been from posture during the bike ride; or from unknowingly contracting your back muscles for long periods of time due to the tension.

    The feelings you have/had aren't the end of the World, and aren't permanent.

    If you're looking for a solution to it, I found something to divert my attention - took a shower and some calming breaths, then went to play guitar for a long long time. OR you could kick the c**p out of a punch bag if you have one.

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