
I cant stop worrying!?! I'm over analyzing about how to get a GED!?

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I'm 16 years old and I turn 17 in two months. I dropped out of HS last fall in 9th grade a month after it started because of social anxiety. Ive been thinking about getting my GED. The past 3 months all I do is worry about my future.

I keep wondering how to get a GED and take classes! I keep hearing and reading so many different stories and it makes me think I will register for classes and something will go wrong! I peel every little detail down and think or everything that could go wrong. I worry and over analyze so much that my brains shuts down and I wanna slap myself for being so stupid! Sometimes I think its the anxiety I have or a chemical imbalance. I don't believe I have OCD though.

The only place in my city that offers GED classes are at this vocational school in the school district here. I have the number for the GED classes but i'm not sure if I should call the testing center downtown first or call the vocational school that has the classes.

Do they give you a pre-test first to determine if you need help in some subjects and if so, you can sign up for the GED classes? Afterwards, you then start the classes and after the classes are over (I think its 4 months) you can take the GED test?

I'm not sure if this is the right category or not! But even if you dont have the answers about the GED part, can you atleast tell me how to train my brain to not overanalyze and worry so much?




  1. what they do is find out where you are by giving you a test you work at your own pace no teachers standing over you . as far as your OCD try some breathing exercises calm down and relax  

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