
I can't upload photos onto my computer/laptop

by Guest60634  |  earlier

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This is the first time this has ever happened to me, but i went to go and put photos from my olympus camera to my laptop and the first dozen or so out of 60 worked and the rest of them wouln't work. It came up with a little sign saying that it couldn't be copied and to skip and try the next one and I did so but it wouldnt take to any of them at all. At the end it said 'see detailed error information' so I clicked that and another sign popped up saying 'the following problem occured while copying pictures: the parameter is incorrect'. I tried to upload the pictures on another computer and the same thing occured. I have no idea what this means or what a 'parameter' is or how to fix it without losing my pictures on my camera. Could somebody please help me in talking me through how I can fix it or if I should just delete the photos on my camera and hope it won't happen again and I just can't have those ones or something please!Thank you very much!DanniHello! I really want to put pictures onto the computer because i have pictures of friends which i miss and i just want to because i have been trying for a very long time now and i never seem to put them on because it does not let me for some reason. Maybe im doing it wrong! I dont know. But, its off my fone. x


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