
I cant wait till i ll meet my perfect match!!?

by  |  earlier

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i am always thinkin like...who would he be and these i normal?




  1. Yeah course.

    I think that all the time. :):):)

  2. OF course your normal. It is human nature to wonder these questions, everyone does. Don't worry when he presents himself you will know that he is the one. Maybe not at first but eventually you will know who is the one.

  3. Yes. A lot of people think this way.

    Very obvious question....

  4. You should wait.... my ex mother in law got married again at 75 years old and that's when she was really happy... that doesn't mean that you have to wait that long but you have to consider that you are a valious person who should wait for a good match.

  5. Of course! That's something almost every young girl dreams about, especially since we're totally overwhelmed with romantic notions through movies, TV and books. We're made to feel we're incomplete without a man to love us, so I hope you want a perfect match because you want to share your life with someone, not because you're afraid to be alone in life.

  6. Yeah everybody thinks that at one point or another. And its difficult to find them too lol. But don't give up.  

  7. hehehe!! if you really look forward to finding your one and only true love the person you will and must cherrish forever, u will definatly find it. good luck

  8. Perfectly normal

  9. Its normal but dont get so caught up in fantasizing that u let real life pass u by while ur "thinkin".  Go out have fun, just good clean fun

  10. You will never find your match. You will go hame and rethink your life.

  11. Lol of corse thats normalll .

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