
I cant write a song... help <3

by  |  earlier

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i have a lot of hard times and i wanna start a band but i cant write a song... ive tried but i think the issue is that i cant play an instrument please give me some tips and hints anything to help me out here...




  1. hey! im in the same situation as you! except i play an instrument xD

    what i do is just think about something in my life and just take it from there!

  2. get someone else to write the song for you.

  3. If you can&#039;t write a song, don&#039;t be a song writer.

  4. well, think of something in your life that has affected you deeply and strongly, like falling in love or losing a best friend. then sit down and write your heart out. you have to be in the right mood. i usually write when im upset about something and it&#039;s all in me, waiting to be written down. its hard to explain exactly how to write something good, but this was the best i could do. good luck!

  5. O.K. you can&#039;t play an instrument, and you can&#039;t write a song......Hmmmm, well can you at LEast SING?!

    Get someone else to write your songs, and if you CAN sing, then stick with that.

    Do you think all singers and bands write their own lyrics, HAH!

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