
I catch snapper fish and this year I started to find white bugs in the gills what are they?

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I catch snapper fish and this year I started to find white bugs in the gills what are they?




  1. Its a Parasite infection, the only way to cure it is to go to your petstore and get maracyn parasite infection cure for around $10, 3 treatments in 5 days will cure it no problem. hope this helps

  2. worms, look on google for treatable medicine

  3. How big is the bugs? It really depends on how big the bugs are, due to the fact that marine fish can get parasites to their gill area, this usually indicates marine ich scientifically known as Cryptocarayon irritans. This parasite, once it gets to the gills, it will eventually suffocate the fish and the fish will die, unless you caught it in the early stages.

    The size of the marine ich is about the size of salt grain or it can be larger in unusual cases. There has been a new strain of ich going around. This ich can kill a fish within 24-48 hours. Usually, they use hyposalinity as the safest treatment, although, hyposalinity will kill live rocks, corals and invertebrates. A quarantine tank is needed. You also can use formalin, formaldehyde or copper sulfate, however, do not mix these chemicals together, all 3 chemicals are very toxic to both fishes and us.

    There is other techniques to get rid of these parasites. You need to do research on marine fish diseases, and find effective ways of treatments. Anyways, I hope that this can help, thanks for asking..............

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