
I caught a Largemouth Bass that is 7lbs and 23 inches long. What is the girth or how can I figure it out?

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I caught this Large mouth in a private pond up in the Poconos. I am going to get this trophy mounted so I need to find the girth, or width. A formula or an answer would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Shame that ya didn't measure it at the time but the part I liked hearing was you let it go.Maybe in a couple years you'll see him again and have your tape measure ready.I always keep one of those small plastic roll ones that reels in like a regular tape measure in my box in case I get a bass like that.

  2. Use a measuring strip like the ones tailors use and measure around the the fich at the widest point, instead of length.

  3. There's no way to calculate it, you should have measured it.

  4. measure it around it's chest where the rib cage is. also measure the circumference around the meat that is attached to it's tail and if it's thick send your taxidermist that dimension as well.  I (only on large fish) measure the distance from the back of the dorsal fin to the end of the tail and the front of the dorsal fin to the tip of its nose maybe even the height of the dorsal fin. and the distance between the eyes! Alot of the trophies I see the taxidermist assumes constants that will be close but if I am going to mount it I want my d**n fish on the wall not some blank that is waiting to be painted to match the picture I send them.

  5. just measre it with a tape that can roll around it like the ones talior se when u are getting fitted for a suit

  6. The fishes girth would be somewhere between 15.88 to16 inches. I used this fish calculator to make the estimate.

  7. Fabric/tailor's tape around the circumference of it at the biggest part of the belly ;)...

    < ' ( (( > <


    Update: Just got a pic huh'? Well if the shot is a good one, might just ask the taxidermist ~ seein' as how he/she has probably done hundreds of them. Praise ya' for the releasin' it ;) ;)...

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