
I caught him on my laptop.?

by  |  earlier

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I was in the shower and my brother came to the door asking me about a song.

I told him I had no clue what song he was talking about.

When I got out of the shower I came back to my room and he was on my laptop.

I don't trust him, I know he'll snoop for my mom.

I can't put a lock on my computer because then my mom will block me off myspace and stuff.

How do I keep him off?

What do I do next time I catch him on it?

Im 18 btw and he is 14.




  1. Hide your laptop in a place where he can't find it. Then he can't snoop through it.

    Or get a lock to your bedroom door so he can't even go into your room.

  2. How can your mum block you off myspace?

    Edit: You over 16! You put a password on, DO NOT PUNCH HIM! HE CAN FILE ASSULT CHARGES AGAINST YOU!

    Edit: She cannot do that, It is illegal since you are 2 years over consent.

  3. Yell at him....

  4. Tell him, if would like to use your laptop, he needs to ask and you won't have a problem with letting get on it.

  5. my computer has a password, can set a password by going to the controll pannel and select "manage accounts" or "change accounts"

  6. I got a free laptop from this site, I highly recommend it!

  7. Punch him in the face.

  8. yah..hide your lap top or bring it with you at all times, or put a peice of paper in your laptop saying..."don't think i don't know... i know you use my laptop please stop"

  9. You're 18. Just lock it. Your property. You bought it. You own it. Yours.

  10. hide your laptop from him so that he doesnt find it or take the battery out so that he cant use it while your not around it.

  11. Don't be stupid use a password for stuff that is personal

  12. Put a password on your computer you're 18 years old he has no business on your laptop neither does your mom. You can put a password on it. If your mom doesn't trust you on the internet get a job and move out.

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