
I caught my (adopted) daughter french kissing her boyfriend. WTF do I do?

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She's 6 if it matters.




  1. she's just experimenting.  She's not doing any harm.  Maybe tell her it's for adults only and if she asks explain why.  But it's really not uncommon at that age to try stuff they've seen mommy and daddy or people on tv doing.

    Don't worry too much.

  2. She's gonna be a good kisser.

    d**n i didnt french till i was 15

    better tell her about them cooties

  3. normally i would say just let it happen...cause it will especially in Jr High n High School but 6 years old is a little young. and if the guy is over the cops hah

  4. thats weird.

  5. You have to explain to her that what she's doing is very wrong.

  6. say its not a good thing to do right now, wait till ur older but why does a 6 year old have a bf? hows that possible

  7. well do you frinch your husband she may think its ok

    tell his parents

    tell her about the birds and the bees she may be ready to hear it then that should do the trick scare her strate

  8. you should tell her nicely that she should save that for when shes older but dont let her be mad at you... tell her that u like that she has  a boyfriend

  9. SHE'S 6!oh man tell her to stop!

  10. 6 is really young! You need to talk to her about responsibilty and consequences.  Tell her that you care about her and that is why you are confronting her.  Probably want to talk about STDs.

  11. Talk to her make sure she is aware of things How old is the guy? tell his parentsf he is more than 10 call the cops

  12. You should gently tell her not to do that sort of thing.

    And why does she have a "boyfriend" when she's only 6 years old!?

  13. i would talk to her and tell her that it is wrong at that age because 6 is very young

    maybe try to tell her boys have cooties :)

  14. omgg. u should tell her in a nice way though thats its not right.

  15. 6 year olds experiment and mimic adults. If you make a big deal out of it, it will become a big deal. Talk to her like she is a 6 year old - "That's for Mommy's and Daddy's" Talking to her like she's a 16 year old is not talking age appropriate talk. Why would you even want to go there? Sounds to me like you are creating a problem where one does not really exist.

    And what does being adopted have to do with anything??

  16. tell her its not apporiate age

    and explain the age that you will allow her to do certain things.

  17. its okayy. like all little kids do this. no big deal. ask her about it.

  18. Tell her in a not yelling way that it is not appropriate for a young girl her age to be doing that. And where did she learn how to french kiss? I still havent had my official first kiss yet!

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