
I caught my mom smoking...what do I do?

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My dad was taking me to school and we got halfway down the street and I realized I forgot one of my books for school, so I ran back inside and saw my mom smoking a cigarette out on our porch. She didn't see me so I grabbed my book and went back outside.

She doesn't know that I saw her. I don't want her to smoke, it's really really really really really bad for you!! Please help!!! WHAT DO I SAY!!!!

(im 15 by the way)




  1. If you say anything, you say she doesn't have to sneak anymore. It's her house. She's an adult. You're only 15. She makes the rules, not you. That's what you say.

    Other than that, you keep quiet. She's your mom. You respect her, like kids are suppose to do. If my sister and I didn't respect our parents we got the belt. So realize how lucky you are.  

  2. you go and tell her what you saw

  3. First, you didn't "catch" her -- you aren't her parent. If she was smoking out of your sight, it may have been because she didn't want to set a bad example for you. But she's an adult, and it isn't your decision, it's hers. In any case, it sounds like she doesnt smoke very much, if this is the first time you've ever seen her smoking. So there isn't much of a risk.

  4. Talk to her and . Tell her that you care for her and that you don't want her to smoke because it's not very healthy.  

  5. Tell her that you saw her smoking, and tell her that you care about her, so you don't want her to get sick. I'm sure she'll understand that you just care about her, and I think she'd do the same thing if the roles were switched. Good luck!

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