
I caught my mum in bed with my brother!?

by  |  earlier

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What should I do? I walked in on them and now Its getting quite akward around the house.. nobody is really speaking to each other (well speaking to me, my mum and my brother are always flirting) its terrible!!! PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. I think your a sick lying ****, infact are you not the brother in person to whom ye all speak of. Get a job loser!

  2. Tell another member of your Family, See if you can move out until they sort them self's out. its sick 2bh

  3. And they didn't invite you to join in. How rude!

  4. Either confront them about this being wrong morally or get out of the house. Is there a father around?  This is incest and not to be tolerated.

  5. lol thats kind of creepy, ask whats going on, does your mom or brother do anything that could change the way they think/act? Things like drinking, drugstore drugs, idk. :S

    sorry i got nothing good luck

  6. EEEEWWW You should call the  cops i'm sure they would get into a lot of trouble for that!!!!!

  7. definetly need to call the cops

  8. "Run for your Life" they are both Heroin Addicts they are Vampires their souls have been stolen they are not your Mother and Brother at all but Evil spirits wearing their bodies

  9. Ouch - incest - a family game!

  10. That can be very traumatizing. The first thing is that you have to take care of yourself. These things can have a long lasting affect on your sexual life later on. Therefore, you would want to speak to a  professional about it. Granted its not you in bed, but just witnessing something which is so taboo can have a real affect on you in the future if its not taken care of. In terms of your relationship with your mom and bro, I always feel open communication is the best answer. Sit down with them either separately of together and discuss your feelings. Even if it causes yelling and anger it eventually will clear things up. I would suggest not to tell other siblings bec since it will cause a strain on their relationship with those involved. But most importantly speak to someone who is a professional. Good luck

  11. Call the cops!! You cant live in that!  

  12. Your mum slept with your brother? Ew! That's sick. Isn't it illegal? Tell them that the flirting and everything else makes you uncomfortable and tell them its wrong! I think you should speak to someone. This could scar you for a long time. Please do speak to someome. Tell you mum and brother to too. Its not mormal. I'm guessing your dad isn't there. If he is, you should definitely tell him.

  13. It happens to me all the time just take it on the chin or join in like i do!

    if you cant beat them , join them . thats my motto!

  14. EWWWW!   That's just plain nasty!

  15. if he is under-age that is molesting (call cops if u want it to stop) if he is at a legal age it is gross but legal ewww! tell them to lock the door when they "do it"

  16. that is grooossss...eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww...i hope you joking because if it isnt a mum has mental problems and your brother too...

  17. This is simply horrible... and could not be tolerated...

    God Bless you

  18. Is your brother your mum's son? if so, that's not normal behaviour and they shouldn't be acting like must be very weird for you.

    Sorry i can't help more but i hope everything sorts itself out.

  19. You Are Not  Saying How Old  Your Brother  Is.. But  If This Was  Reported  To  Children,s  Society  ,  Your Mother  Would  Certainly  NOT  be  Allowed To Be  Near  HER  Son.And Your MOTHER   Should  Make An Appointment  With A  " Specialist >> "Doctor ?

  20. Wow, the trolling that goes on in this forum!

  21. Oh dear....

    i know how you feel tho, i am a 12 year old girl and had the same situation with my dad 6 years ago......

    all he wanted to do is get into bed with me and i dont mean to read me a night time story..

    all's well that ends well though as my dad got sent to china for a few years, so now i have grown up i dont really mind it any more..

    my dads just got back in the country actually, maybe we should get our families together for a drink to discuss our problems....

    Hope this helps

    Sophie Glitter

  22. that is just disgusting. don`t live in the same house with them  

  23. Your should beat the pair of them.

  24. Urggghhh!!!! That's smegging incest. Is it not?

  25. i think you may need to leave them ..they seem kinda "bad " .

    i am sorry to hear that.. and for you to see such a yuck think .

    take care x

  26. If you and your brother are under age, call the police, as it is child abuse/rape and a heroine addict is an unfit mother.

    If you are an adult, well, incest is not illegal, only if they want to get married does the law get involved.  Get your own place and stay away from ppl like that.

  27. spitroast?

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