
I challenge Yahoo Answerers..?

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I was browsing through the site and there are so many people who are discriminating, especially in the LGBT section and I was wondering why do you keep answering the stupid questions of those homophobes..?

I would just ignore it and show them they are just worthless and don't even deserve my attention..

What do you think?




  1. i agree with you

  2. I think that if an intelligent answer changes the mind of just one ignorant person, it's worth it.

  3. i usually dont  

  4. I was wondering the same thing. Some girl wrote something discriminating and within seven minutes she got forty answers. It's pathetic. We could use that time to help someone who really needs it rather than entertain some troll.

  5. Some people just have too much hate inside to contain it or restrain themselve. Perhaps, in their day to day, they are unable to voice their opinion and so, when they get on yahoo, they feel free to let loose. The anonymity of the net gives them a false sense of courage and they say whatever because they can hide behide the computer screen.

    I have noticed the sad amount of young ladies on here asking if they are pretty. With such low self esteems, it will be easy for some con guy to take advantage and hurt them.

    Nobody is growing up with the old values of love, respect, and chilvary anymore.

    To each his own, and may God be with us all.

  6. g*y's calling people homophobes.

    Homophobes calling people g**s.

    It's like you are the same people, with diametrically opposed agendas.

    Go figure.

  7. I answer them with wit and humor, rather than anger.

    That way, I offer an opposing viewpoint, don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they've hurt me [which they haven't], and make a subtle [or not-so-subtle] mockery of them.

    Far better than just answering their invective with more invective -- THAT is what juveniles do.

  8. Good idea :]

  9. I intend to ignore most of those homophobes ridiculous post, coz i think they have no life and they try to think they are stupid smart...

  10. Totally agree.  My momma always said,"If you don't have anything good to say then say nothing at all".

  11. I just wanted to know what a f**t mark was.

  12. i tend to agree except for 2 things:

    1) what if the question is legitimate? just in the off chance that someone may be asking for real (not the usual trolls, but someone new). i don't answer all of them, but i pause and answer if they may be legitimate

    2) it's an easy 2 points?  maybe that's not a reason, though...

  13. don't worry they're pouring water to ducks back , so you keep going

  14. That is the best idea next to the mods of YA to just delete the questions from these homophobes in the first place 'cause they go against the rules of YA.

  15. amazing idea

  16. LGBT are not to be discrimnated.  People should just tell them that their behavior is wrong.  There is nothing wrong with telling someone that what they are doing (in your opinion) is wrong, or a sin, or immoral.  It is wrong to bash them, cut them to pieces, or condemn.  There is a difference!  Not everyone has to believe what they do, and people have a right to speak their view and to answer back.    

  17. People want to try and change that person's view point. Also, it's difficult to "not defend" yourself against something that is attacking you/your beliefs/etc,  

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