I did so gradually but he seems to be eating like crazy now... I know what pig doesn't? But at the same time he also seems depressed, I mean he doesn't "talk" much anymore and when I picked him up today he had like crusty p**p on his bottom - I know it sounds gross, sorry. I saw no evidence of diarreah in his cage but he's always been very clean so whats with the dirty butt? Is there anything I should do... I mean a trip to the vet would have to be more than whats going on right? He is chewing a little different - but I think its because hes not totally used to all the goodies in this food (dried corn, sunflower seeds, etc.) Hes not having trouble eating but just is chewing each piece longer than what I remember when he only got plain pellets. I still keep a steady supply of timothy and he is eating that fine too, and his daily salad of whatever veggies we have and drinking normal...
Okay to get the point... should I stop this food from what youve heard above, or ride it out and if I notice diarreah in the cage not just on his bottom quit it then, or just take him to the vet, which of coarse who can afford that but if I gotta I gotta? Any suggestions on what to do would be great. Thanks.