
I cheated on my man he forgives me not emotional out burst?

by Guest32412  |  earlier

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he didnt cry or get mad as i thought he would he said he loves me and forgives me i didnt even ask him to forgive me i want to leave him but he doesnt want me to leave i dont want to hurt him anymore but he says he cant live without me and i cant live hurting him and lieing to him and arguin everytime i walk out the door.




  1. You have a few choices:

    1) Stay with him. Give up cheating and keep him happy.

    2) Stay with him. Continue cheating. Tell him about it and hurt him.

    3) Stay with him. Continue cheating. Don't tell him about it.

    You decide

  2. Dude he's gotta be desperate, he sounds like one of those desperate insecure, abuser types. Get away from him.

  3. You are only hurting him and yourself more by not being honest with your feelings.  If you are unhappy or want to move on, then do.  It is not easy, but why stay in a relationship where you are not happy just to make the other person happy.

  4. Then you need to leave. This is a recipe for disaster. He forgave you and told you he loves you because he's guilty. I mean really, NO emotional outburst. You need to have time to yourself to sort things out!  

  5. Even though he says he can't live without you, it would be best for him and you if you broke up with him. He can't see it now, because he loves you so much. But in the long run, if you don't love him and are just staying with him because you feel bad for him, then you aren't doing him any favors and it's best that you go. He will realize later that it wasn't a healthy decision to stay together. And you will be happier because you wont be staying with someone just because you have a guilty conscience.

    So my advice would be to get some guts and break up with him. He'll be hurt, but at least he wont be hurt continuously every time you go out the door, and you will be relieved too.

  6. Why cheat on him? Why even marry him? It sounds like you have a good man and you are tossing it away for what? A cheap fling?

    Tons of women would kill for a man like him. I bet if you let him go another will scoop him up watch.

  7. Love is blind babezx. Simple as that. He doesn't see what u have become because he wants to make it work so bad.  

  8. File for divorce, he will eventually have to realise you do  not want him.

    Good way to add the additional details after the fact to cover up for your infidelity

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