
I chewed the same peice of gum from 6:10 - 4:10 and now my teeth hurt!!!?

by Guest66910  |  earlier

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Like when I chew they hurt bad. Normal?




  1. LOL I think you feel the pain because your jaw has ceased to do a continuous function as it did between that time frame.

    it happens with alot of other things too

  2. It's NORMAL.

    It'll go away after a nights rest.

    I chewed gum from 7:00 to 3:00 once and it hurt like c**p after a while because your SOO USE TO CHEWING.

    Answer mine.;...

  3. Yeah it's super normal. it's cause you've been chewing all day. And when you've been chewing gum for like at least 3-4 hours, it starts to get harder and it takes more to chew it so your teeth are sore.  

  4. totally normal.

    dont chew gum for that loong!

  5. Don't eat anything for a few hours (you shouldn't chew gum for that long - it's bad on your teeth and your jaw).

  6. normal, happens to me sometimes. Just stop chewing for the day.  

  7. no see the dentist

  8. yes its normal, because you have bruised your gums. be carefull about chewing gum, the teeth will eventually decay with too much sugar arount your teeth for long periods.

  9. if the pain in your gums that its just because your tired and have exhausted your jaws muscles, if its literally IN your teeth then it is NOT normal...

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