
I chocked on a penny that was in my beans at Popeye's I was pregnant at the time how much can I get for this?

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I would like to know how much money I can get for chocking on a penny that was in my food at popeyes and if it is even worth gonig to court for




  1. Unless you can prove the penny was in your food, you'll have a hard time. Popeye's lawyers will be all over you, they will look into your background, and bring up any embarrassing things that may have happened. They will look at court records to see if you've ever been arrested. They will use the media to publish their finding to bring as much embarrassment to your family as possible, destroying your creditibility in the process.

    Do you remember a couple years ago the lady who 'found' the finger in the chili at Wendy's? Well, before it was revealed that she had planted there, detectives and lawyers went through her whole history with a fine tooth comb. That's how they ended up finding out it was a hoax, in the end, but had it not been a hoax, all of America was already aware of her prior drug use and arrests, that had nothing to do with the finger incident.

    You should talk to management so they're alerted to the situation, but unless you have video tape of the you choking on the penny and unless you have iron clad witnesses who saw you put the food in your mouth without tampering with it, you will be put through the wringer in the public, and very few people would find it worth it in the end.

    Good luck and congrats on the upcoming baby.

  2. The only way you'll get any money out of a big chain like that is if you have good lawyers and doctors bills to back up your claim. They'll need to see the documentation of your injury, x-rays and so forth plus statement of lost wages at work that sort of thing. Popeye's has an army of lawyers that will go to town on you, you'd better have a rock solid claim before you even try. Ever since that woman tried to scam Wendy's with the finger in the chili trick they are really vigilant about potentially false claims of injury by their negligence. They will ask how you knew it was one of their employees that caused the penny to appear there in your food.  It could have been anyone from another customer to someone in your party or even yourself by accident.

  3. Not having ever chocked before, I'd have to ask if it was something that caused you to lose the baby.  Also, since you're still alive, they probably won't care who put the money in your burger.

  4. Why sue them?

    If you can prove it happened and you have resulting medical bills, their liability insurance might pay your bills. Have you contacted them?

    If you're looking to profit from this, I doubt you'll get far.

  5. That Popeye! Always the jokester!  It's bad to scare the baby that way.  It might come out looking like chicken.  I heard that if you scare the baby while you're pregnant, they'll come out looking like what scared them.

  6. Don't do it. They suspect you of trying to defraud them. They'll go into your background, and dig-up anything on you that may suggest lying, cheating, etc. They'll say you did it. It's just too hard to prove their negligence. Goodluck and congrats on the baby.

  7. Haha why were you eating at popeye's? Was it a meal at his house? What's he up to these days?

  8. It is not worth going to court over.  I would have maybe mentioned it at the restuarant, but that's about it.  If you did not suffer any permanent damage (maybe if you had gone to the hospital or something)...  it's not even worth calling a lawyer over.

  9. im not sure sorry but definately go to ourt if you have evidence.

  10. How much money? maybe 10,000 dollars. However if you do not press charges within 48 hours (2 days) you drop ALL charges, unless your baby has any problems, i doubt you can still sue.

  11. Did you c**p out the change?

  12. you might be able to get a free popeyes meal out of it

  13. Did you notify Popeye's when it happened?  Any witnesses?  Why would you sue?  Were you injured? Traumatized?

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