
I chose the Vegan lifestyle 2 months ago

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for many reasons, and one being I was hoping to lose some weight while making the change to vegan, I started on June 1st and to date i have lost a total of 10 pounds, I walk about a mile 4 days a week, I eat veggies, fruit, tofu ect..i am just wandering what i am doing wrong, or if anyone has any suggestions for me!





    great sites that have great links to vegan sites i love them

    keep to it its an amazing freeing life choice

  2. Congratulations, loosing 5lbs a month is a very good start. You have to remember your exercise program has caused you to gain mussel, so I bet you look a lot better then you did 2 months ago. Keep up the good work.  

  3. The vegan lifestyle is very strict, Vegans dont use ANY form of animal product, no leather, no milk, no butter, cheese, no product that uses eggs.  They go to some lengths to use products that are totally animal product/testing free.  You need to make sure you get some form of protein, you can get that in beans, and your regular amount of vitamins.

      I added a link that will give you some guidance.  I dont follow The vegan lifestyle, just have friends who are.

  4. Sadly, being vegan is not in itself a means of weight loss. There is one way of weight loss, by definition: eating less calories than you take in. If this is done safely (i.e. not through self starvation, with anorexia or the like) you WILL achieve the weight loss you wish. As it is, you've already lost some weight already, so good on ya.

    Here is the prescription of how we should all be eating:

    1. Eliminate any foods of animal origin.

    2. Eliminate all professed, refined and fried foods.

    3. Pig out on what's left: wholegrains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, and seeds.

    4. Exercise a bit.

    Do this, safely ( is a great start for how) and you should reach a stable weight and stick at it.

    Good luck.

  5. Me too!

  6. Who says you are doing anything wrong???  

    You are not on a fad, get slim quick diet.  You are making a lifestyle change.  This is a healthy way to lose weight and it takes time to naturally lose weight.

    I went on the opposite diet in March of 2007 and have lost 100 pounds.  I'm on the cave-man diet where I eat meats and veggies.  It's a lifestyle change so the weight is coming off slowly but if I stay with this change, I know the weight won't come back like it has with all the diets I've been on in the past.

    Good luck with your change.

  7. If your goal was to lose weight, you're doing nothing wrong. You've lost weight.

    But if you want to lose more, start exercising. Walking a mile every few days isn't what I would call exercise, and it's not what's helping you lose weight. Veg*nisn alone is not a weight loss plan, but a lot of people lose weight in the beginning because it is a "shock" to the body- to go from meat and cheese and cream and all that bad stuff to a diet filled with vegetables and grains. It won't last forever, so if you wanna keep it up, hit the gym. It'll help you drop pounds more than going vegan will.

  8. The irony of low fat diets is that they almost always make you fat. You are never satisfied and always prone to overeating. Protein and fats, especially from anumal sources, are both nutritionally "dense" and satisfying. In fact the one diet proven to be the most effective for weight loss is the high protein, high fat, low carb Atkin's diet.

    A vegan diet is usually a high carbohydrate diet. Carbs are usually high in calories and low in nutritional value.

  9. "i am just wandering what i am doing wrong"

    Didn't you say that you just LOST 10 pounds?

    For one, veganism isn't a weight-loss diet and you have lost weight, so what could be the problem?

    If you keep losing 5 pounds each month, you'll reach your goal weight sooner or later. Losing very rapidly is not healthy and I hope that you weren't expecting a vegan diet to do that to you.

    1 pound of body fat is about 3500 Calories. So you've gotten rid of about 35,000 extra stored Calories.

    On average, you've been burning over 500 Calories of body fat per day. I don't think that either of us could argue that as insufficient.

  10. I come from a family who believe in alternate nature cure therapy.

    Vegan lifestyle is good for you.

    and for every one else.

    our body was never meant to be to eat other than vegan food

  11. Ten pounds in two months is very reasonable weight loss - anything a whole lot faster than five pounds a month is not sustainable over the long haul and you'll gain it back as soon as you let your guard down calorie- and exercise-wise.  You're not doing anything wrong.  

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