
I chugged a cold one of those double sized Red Bulls and nothing happened, is that normal?

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Ive had red bull before but not in awhile, first off I forgot how awful it tastes, secondly I actually felt more tired after drinking the c**p, how is that possible considering the thing had 52 grams of sugar in it plus all that Taurine and c**p thats supposed to give me WINGS... then I drink a shot of hard liquor and it feels like i drank 10 red bulls, what a rip off, THREE BUCKS!




  1. Red Bull is only good with a shot of jagermeister in it.

  2. different people have different tolerances for caffiene and sugar.i can drink energy drinks all day long and nothing will happen, while my brother has a cookie and goes nuts. so,  it just has to do with the way you were made.

  3. Different bodies react to different things.  i can drink 5 cups of coffee and have no problem sleeping.

  4. You might of just gotten to the point where caffenie doesn't affect you because of your high intake of caffenie.

  5. The sugar takes a while to kick in. Then quit buying it.

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