
I clam child benfit for my child who has my surname. Can her mum claim child benefit in her old surname.?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry didnt explain myself i am the father i claim child benefit for her legaly but i am worried her mum is going to claim it on my childs old surname. Can she get away with this




  1. Whoever has CUSTODY claims the child, not the surname.   If mom changed her last name and she has custody, then yes she can claim and you cannot - unless you were assigned that right in the divorce decree.

  2. Are you talking about the Child.

    No, you certainly Can not. This is illegal and you should be aware of the benifit fraud investagators.


    Or, do you mean a different child.

    It is the surname that the child usually uses. When you say benifit, it this for a disability, or family tax credits.

    Same principal applies.

  3. Well she could do but if you have the majority of custody and the child stays with you more than 4 days a week, the only fraudulant claim would be the mothers so no need for you to worry.

    With family allowence I dont think its that easy to do a fraudulant claim but again it would be down to the mother.

    Dont worry!

  4. No it is not legal for the Mother to claim the child if you are also claiming him/her. This is the reason you are required to list a child's SS# on your income tax. If the Mother does claim the child, the IRS will most definitely pick up on it and contact both of you.

    I have some personal experience with this because my son's father tried to file Head of Household while he lived in my house (we were not married). He now owes the IRS about $2000 because they picked up on the fact that 2 people with the same address filed as Head of Household.

  5. nope, whichever one of you that isnt entitled to it could go up on fraud charges,,,,but they wont pay you both for the same child.

    the one entitled to the money wont be  in trouble, only the person making the false claim.

  6. i think you will find that is illegal and they will find out eventually no dought when you have claimed 6 or 7 years to be paid back??

  7. If you are asking if child benefit can be claimed twice for the same child.  Of course not, it is fraud and if discovered can lead to a prison sentence.

  8. No....are you trying to join the scroungers group...taxpayers have to pay for this and worse still taxpayers without children and who have never had them have to pay!

  9. A child with 2 mothers? What?

  10. Basically, as a tax payer, you are trying to defraud me personally?!

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