
I clean every day, yet my house is still dusty!?

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I live in an apartment that was built in 1992. They're very well insulated and fairly large (I mean, our electric bill averages $80/month).

But we have this black dust that seems to come out of nowhere. I change the AC filter once a month. I vacuum EVERY DAY, I vacuum off the couch and recliner at least once a week, I dust the wooden furniture 2x a week, I sweet and mop regularly, I am constantly washing laundry, I don't open the windows.

I just don't know what to do about all this dust. My allergies are to the point where I have to take Benadryl and nasal spray just to be able to fall asleep at night. I use Claritin D occasionally, but it's just soooo expensive. Any ideas of how I can control this dust?




  1. Try this dust repellant solution. it will cut down the amount of dust in your refrigerators,TV,glass-topped tables and other surfaces prone to static electricity.  Mix four parts water, one part fabric softener. Moisten a rag with the sulotuon and wipe it across the surface.

  2. I find it hard to believe that that amount of dust is just coming in from outside through the doors unless they are left open.  Is there a factory or mining operation of some type nearby that would generate that much dust.  What does your car look like in the morning, is there the black dust on it?  If not perhaps you have a mold of some type growing in you AC.  If you have central AC shared with a neighbor ask if they have the same problem.  If your neighbors do not have the same problem it is something in your unit.

  3. it's an old building of course it will have dust. Opening the window would help get rid of the dust. It may also help to use a wet cloth when dusting so it dosent get kicked up into the air.

  4. try putting cheesecloth over the intake vents when the air recirculates it will come out cleaner,you will need to change it at least weekly till the ducts get cleaned out then works we do it for our daughters allergies

  5. Do you have carpet or rugs? How old is it.  Maybe you need to get rid of it, they usually hold a lot of dust that cannot be vacuumed out, which will kill your allergies. You can try to shampoo the carpet.

  6. Take the vent cover off one of your A/C vents. See if it's really dirty up in there. If so...have it cleaned or try to clean some out your self which helps for a while.

    One trick I learned years ago was to spray my A/C filters with 'Endust'. The Endust helps trap those smaller particles of dust that normally go on through and get blown out int the room. If you don't believe it works...try spraying half of the filter on both front and back. Now after one month when you take it out...see which side has the most dust stuck to it.

    One thing I thought you burn candles???...because burning candles will leave a black dusty looking film all over everything. I ex burned them all the time...the film was even on our mirrors.

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