
I clogged the toilet! What do I do?!? And I tried using a plunger!?

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So i read online about the dishsoap thing but I can't boil water so i just added to mugs of hot water and dishsoap. I let it stay for 5 minutes but its still clogged. I am afraid that if I add more hot water that the toilet will over flow so what do I do. When I flushed again it came up it was all sudsy. So what do I do?




  1. OK do not use liquid Drano or anything of the sort. I would empty some tank and have it go down the bathtub drain. Then add about a gallon of bleach. The bleach will eat away at whatever is  stuck in your drain. Hope that helps you out!

  2. One technique that works for me is to fill a bucket with water (try a five gallon bucket) and pour it straight into the toilet in a steady stream - quickly. Sometimes plunging doesn't work if you can't get the cup to seat firmly in the drain; the water goes up more than it goes down. With a bucket full of water, you can make a powerful force to dislodge whatever is clogging the toilet. Pour fast and steady!

  3. Just a little FYI in case you have to use an auger (I've always called it a snake).  I had to use one once and it left lots of silver marks in the toilet bowl.  Nothing I used worked to get rid of the marks until I used Barkeepers Friend - it's like Comet Cleanser.  Good luck.

  4. use your lips as a suction on the inside of the toilet bowl.

    It might taste bad, but if you suck really hard I'm pretty sure you'll find what you are looking for.


  5. Worst case get a metal clothes hanger and bend it to make a solids chopper (t**d blender).

    Chop the solids until you can get it to flush with a plunger.

  6. What you need to do, and I think you know what it is, is slide your down there, all the way through the muck and goop at the bottom, and just poke all around down there, nice and slow.  And make sure you do a real good job too.  And then what you do is you speed up gradually until that stubborn little hole loosens up for you.  Oh, it'll take a minute, but believe me, it's worth it.

    So after it's all loosened up and ready for you, you just start bashing that thing in like it stole your moped.  Bash it in real good too.

    You just got to keep bashing that little thing in until it is all banged out and tore up like an old leather doughnut.  That should unclog it.

    If that doesn't work, try getting your face down there on it and just blow it all out, or try sucking.

    I don't really know.

    That sounds like one heck of a problem though.

  7. Keep plunging. Make sure the plunger is sealing against the bowl and plunge smoothly but firmly.

  8. the best thing to do is go to a home depot or some place similar and buy what is called a closet auger.when you get it it is pretty easy to use you will figure it out just make sure the metal is not touching the toilet because it will scratch it up.hope this helps

  9. unfortunately there is no easy solution. if the plunger didn't do the job and all the home remedies fell short of working, there is one thing that will do the job. it is called a toilet auger, it really is not hard to use. it is basically a metal tube with a steel coil that is in the sleeve of the tube. you have a handle that you can spin the coil as you apply a small amount of pressure at the rear as you are spin or turning the handle. it sounds complicated and heavy to use but it is not. it weights around 3 pounds and is around 3-4 ft long. if you go to home depot or lowes they will be glad to show you how to use it right there in the store. and don't be embarrassed about it, we all have plugged the toilet one time or another. and besides you dont see these people every day!!! also you can buy one or rent one, rent one for around 4$-5$ a day plus a deposit. i hope that this will help.....

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