
I complited my diploma in 2004 after i doing a job but now i want to study with job so which course is better?

by  |  earlier

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I complited my diploma in 2004 after i doing a job but now i want to study with job so which course is better?




  1. I personally feel that you are the best  person to answer that question. Just follow your heart on  what you want in life and  what you enjoy doing. I see no purpose in asking others for their opinion. If you like to see others enjoy your cooking for example, then I would say, go for it and take up a cooking diploma course.

    Chef are always in demand in hotels all over the world.

    Do what you enjoy best. Money  should be the main issue.

    Good luck.

  2. I think you should go for spelling course as you mispelled complited.

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